Crago Craigo Crego

  • 51 members

About us

The Crago surname project has gone global! Originally focused on finding the ancestral and immigrant roots of American Craigo's and Crago's, we now know with a great deal of certainty that the vast majority of us from America trace our genetic ancestry to Cornwall, England (at least 66%).

But what about Crago's and Cragoe's in England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Germany and Italy? Are they part of any of these existing Crago genetic family trees discovered so far? Or are they from whole new trees? We have just begun testing those lines.

We hope this project, by enlisting more international participants, will establish with some certainty the ancestral origins of the Crago / Cragoe / Craigo / Crego lines in all of these far-flung places.

But another big question remains --

Are Crago's related to the Crego's? We know that Crago's, Craigo's and a few Craig's in America share a common paternal ancestor. But, we'd also like to verify whether Cragoe's, Crego's, Craglow's and other phonetically similar surnames are part of the Crago tree as well.

And, of course, if you're an American Crago who simply doesn't know much about your ancestry, a DNA test may help us to sort that out, too. A small bit of money is available to help with testing costs for selected key volunteers who may otherwise hesitate to join the study group.

How might you be able to help fill in the whole Crago family tree picture?

Be sure to read the Background and Results sections of our public website for more details about what we've learned so far.

You'll find more about the Crago's of the world on our Guild of One-Name Studies (GOONS) website at –

We'd love to have you join us today -- Tom Crago, Project Administrator
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