
  • 1428 members

About us

HALL Surname DNA Project Background

The HALL DNA Project welcomes all Hall family members. We encourage you to join today!

Our project has over a thousand individual members, representing hundreds of thousands of HALL families worldwide. 

Many have Ydna matches in both their native country as well as in the UK from where many HALL families migrated over the years. We encourage Halls from anywhere to participate. Distinct HALL family groups have been identified and for those who give permission, their Ydna STR results are displayed in the Y-DNA results tab above. We are constantly making exciting discoveries.

Participating is an opportunity to uncover information not provided in paper records, which will help with your research of your family tree. You will also discover how families are genetically related, not only back to when surnames came into use,but to the beginning of mankind. The project is also providing information on the evolution of the surname.

For males, Y-DNA tests tell you about your direct male line, i.e. your father, his father, and back in time.  If you believe there is a HALL in your direct male line,although you have a different surname, you are also welcome toparticipate. 

If you are female,please find a direct line male in your family tree to participate in Ydna testing to represent your family. Or, if you are seeking to find very close relatives, please take the Family Finder test here or transfer your autosomaldata to us if you have tested elsewhere. Be aware that autosomal dna results are predicted to have a 99% chance of matching 2nd cousins or closer, 90% for 3rd cousins, 50% for 4th cousins and 10% for 5th cousins on both your maternal and paternal side. We also encourage you to take a mitochondrial DNA test which tells you about your mother's mother's mother's  genetic line, even though mitochondrial DNA does not mutate to the same extent as the male Ydna.

The primary scope of the project is based on testing Y-DNA for uncovering your Hall surname   genealogy. This includes both STR (short tandem repeat) testing and SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) testing.  

After joining, by ordering a test, please submit your family tree in the form of a gedcom file so your matches can see each others trees. If you do not have a gedcom file our administrators can assist you.

There is an activity feed with this project for members discussions. There are also two Facebook Groups run by our administrators, namely "Hall Families of New England" and "Hall Families of the South Atlantic Region".

For those with further interests in the HALL name there is the friendly Clan Hall Society   Home (clanhallsociety.org)  which has its Facebook page "Clan Hall Society".

Some HALL families in this DNA Project are researched as part of the HALL one-name study. You can learn more about this significant research,and the associated family trees, by visiting the one-name study web site at https://hall.one-name.net/  

We are looking for individuals to join the project as Family Coordinators. Family Coordinators will become the Genealogy contacts for specific Project Families,supporting potential members and existing members on their family genealogy.

The Project Administrators are VOLUNTEERS who are interested in Hall genealogy and in using DNA to help solve genealogy problems. The only benefit we derive from our service is the satisfaction that we have helped provide an infrastructure by which you might extend your genealogy. We do not work for FamilyTreeDNA and have no special access or control over their operations. 

Please click on the tabs at the top of this page to find out more and view the test results of some of our members.


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