Jude Surname Project

  • 5 members

About us

Seeking direct Jude line descendants to join this surname study. Primary focus is on direct Jude male descendants who are the son of, the son of, the son of (etc) a man named Jude. Note: (adoptees, step-children or maternal lines won’t work for the primary study) Please provide your Jude lineage back to the farthest known Jude ancestor (his name, location and birthdate - a circa date is fine.) Additionally this YDNA study is seeking to scientifically sort through the Frederick/Jude name change (back and forth) that occurred in the 1800s and early 1900s in Virginia and eastern Kentucky. If you are a descendant with a Frederick surname that is affiliated with this family, you are also welcome to join. Secondarily, we are accepting members who are researching the Jude surname. Anyone seeking to join who does not have a YDNA test, please provide your Jude lineage.
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