
World-wide Surname and DNA study
  • 51 members

About us

The Kingsmill DNA Project is using Y-DNA testing of male Kingsmills and Kingsmores to see how they link to the known Kingsmill male lines that can be traced back to the 15th Century and to see how the lines are related to a common ancestor. To do this we are using FTDNA's Y-37 DNA test. We are also using autosomal DNA testing of living descendants of both sexes (FTDNA's Family Finder test or other companies similar tests such as from which can be transferred to FTDNA) to find out how some Kingsmill lines which presently go back to brick walls in the 1800s link to a known Kingsmill line that has been Y-DNA tested. Y-DNA testing and atDNA tests have shown that the KINGSMORE families of Northern Ireland had Kingsmill ancestors and that it was a name change around the mid 1800s for reasons that are not yet understood. At around the same time one Kingsmill relative also changed name to KINGSMAN and a descendant of this line is a Y-DNA match to the Kingsmills and Kingsmores who have tested and match. It is also thought that other Kingsmore families originated as Kingsmills in the county of Kent in England in the mid 1700s and we hope to confirm this by finding Kingsmore descendants to Y-DNA test. We have a Facebook Group for members of the Project, and Kingsmill profiles are slowly being added to WikiTree. See the links page for website addresses.
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