
Scotson family research using DNA
  • 10 members

About us

Everyone with a SCOTSON (or Scottson) family connection is invited to participate in this DNA Project by a DNA test. After joining each participant is requested to post their SCOTSON pedigree into "myTree", giving full names with dates and places of birth and death. The primary aims of the project are: 1. To identify those with a common SCOTSON forefather. 2. To discover the relationship of all SCOTSONs worldwide. 3. To establish their geo-cultural origins. 4. To take genealogy further than that based on documentary evidence. The main emphasis will be on Y-DNA that tests direct paternal lineage - your father, your father's father, etc. It potentially finds connections to others linked to the SCOTSON lineage. This means that males from each of the SCOTSON trees are needed for Y-DNA testing. Women are also welcome to join, as both mitochondrial DNA and autosomal DNA results can be added to the project. To join the project click on the JOIN button, and follow the simple instructions. For men, the recommended test is the Y-DNA-37 test which is normally 119 dollars, but by contacting me you can get a considerable reduction. Wishing success and much enjoyment through your genealogical discoveries. Allan Scotson Scotson Surname DNA Project administrator October 2019
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