St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


  • 89 members

About us

We need more guys to participate -- especially from the branches we don't have a baseline result from.

Our priorities are to get someone tested from these lines:

Nicholas who moved to Sequatchie Valley, TN

Timothy who married Anna Leigh

Cain who moved to Lauderdale Co., TN

David Loomis who died in Huntsville, AL

John III -- 06/10/07 update! We have a volunteer!

a black Acuff

a black Acoff

an Achuff.

It would be great to have a second PA Acuff test done, just to confirm the Scandinavian origin of that line. FTDNA is awesomely precise in their testing, but we know from genealogy research it's always good to have a second validation of any fact. Based on the one test we have, it appears Mary Parker's hypothesis may be correct: the PA bunch descends from Jan Eckhoff of the New Swedes Colony in Delaware. Of course, he could well be the progenitor of the Maryland and PA Ecoffs, given that the Delaware colony had German immigrants.
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