Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


  • 53 members

About us

Our surname project website the Adamthwaite Archive sets out the details of the ten Adamthwaite lines that we have reconstructed from written records. Almost all early Adamthwaites are known to have originated from a small area in the North West of England - either close to the town of Ravenstonedale in Westmorland or in nearby Sedbergh. We know that a number of adventurous Adamthwaites set off to the New World to make their fortune. This project aims to demonstrate how our American, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand members link back to the early families in north west England. The DNA Project aims to confirm the accuracy of the ten Adamthwaite lines and to discover if and how the different lines link together. We hope that detailed analysis of the results will provide clues about our even more distant ancestors.