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ALSTON Surname DNA Project

  • 62 members

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July 2013: Subclades amended by William: [bear in mind these details are constantly changing as more results come in and we amend the I2-Tree]

SNPs to test if you are in the I2 Haplogroup: [branch shows oldest -> most recent] M438+ -> L460+ -> P214+ -> M223+ -> CTS616+ -> CTS10057+ -> Z161+ -> then follow branch as indicated for each subclade below:

I2 [predicted] Continental-112 or 118 L1198+ 'I2a2a1c1b1a'
defining markers for L1198 subclades: Cont-112: 393=15, 439=12, 389i=13, 458=16, 
447=24, 449=28, 464b=12, H4=9, test SNP L1198 Cont-118: 447=24, H4=9, 
YCAi=18, 456=14, 576=17, 444=12
SNPs to test: [Oldest -> most recent] continued from above -> Z161+ -> L801+ -> CTS6433+ -> Z78+ -> Z171+ ->
[with four more SNPs downstream from that point, -> Z190+ -> Z79+, F3195+, P195+]

I2 [predicted] Continental-2c L623+ 'I2a2a1c2'
defining markers for L623 subclades: 393=15, 19=14, 385a=14, 385b=16, 
383=11/12, 389i=13, 389ii=30, 458=16, 449=30, 464b=11, YCAi=20, 456=14, 607=15,
537=12, 413a=22, 557=15/16, 534=14/16, 444=14, 481=24, 520=21, 446=10, 487=13
SNPs to test: [Oldest -> most recent] continued from above -> Z161+ ->

2013: Results Updated at:
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