Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNAmtDNA, & All  Bundles! Now through Jan 1st.


Amason Amerson
  • 163 members

About us

At this time the Y-DNA111 marker kit or Big Y 700 kits are recommended (for males only). The Y-DNA 111 results or Big Y 700 provide the most value to our Y-DNA project and to other participants. mtDNA and Family Finder (atDNA) participants may also join our project. For any join request, please supply information on ancestry relevant to surnames included in this project. Amason, Amerson, Amberson, Amis(s), Amons/Ammons, Amos(s), Emerson, Emmerson, Emberson, Emison and any other spelling variations of the surnames are invited to identify possible common heritage through sharing of information and DNA testing. If your surname is not represented in this project and you feel the surname should be included, please contact Sandy N., Volunteer Administrator. mtDNA and Family Finder (at-DNA) participants are included in our Emerson Amerson Amason DNA Project. Use the link to request a JOIN authorization for this project. For more information, please contact the Administrator.