About us
1. Chachnama (The Story of Chach)
a. Also known as Fateh Nama Sindh (The Story of the Conquest of Sindh)
b. Also known as Tareekh al-Hind wa a's-Sind (The History of India and the Sindh)
c. A 13th century Persian manuscript by Ali Kufi, chronicling the history of Sindh before the time of the Arab conquest. Purportedly translated from an earlier Arabic language original that has been lost to time.
d. Link (English): http://sanipanhwar.com/The%20Chachnamah%20An%20Ancient%20History
e. Link (Farsi): https://archive.org/details/20220909_20220909_1559
2. Tareekh-e Firishta (The History of Firishta)
a. Also known as Gulshan-i Ibrahimi (Rose Garden of Ibrahimi)
b. An account of Indian history prior to the Arab conquest of Sindh by Persian historian, Firishta who lived from 1570 to 1620. Written for Ibrahim Adil Shah II, Sultan of Bijapur in the Deccan.
c. Link (Urdu): https://archive.org/details/TareekhEFarishta/Tarikh_E_Farishta_Vol_1/
3. Tuhfat-ul-Karaam (The Gift of the Generous)
a. Written by Mir Ali Sher Shirazi Thattvi (Pen name: Qaani), a Sindhi historian who lived between 1728 and 1788.
b. Qaani’s most famous work dealt with a compendium of the lives of Sufis from the times of Muhammad until the late 12th/18th century, an account of the martyrs of Karbala, and a work of general history.
c. Link (Urdu): https://www.rekhta.org/ebooks/tohfat-ul-karam-mir-ali-sher-qaane-ebooks
4. Aina Haqeeqat Numa (The Story of the Eye of the Truth)
a. Written by Maulana Akbar Shah Khan Najibabadi who was an Indian historian who lived from 1875 to 1938.
b. Link (Urdu): https://archive.org/details/aaina-haqeeqat-numa-by-maulana-akbar-najeebabadi
5. Saleem al Tareekh (The History of Saleem)
a. Written by Maulvi Muhammad Akbar Ali Sufi Jalandhari, published in 1919. A genealogical history of the Arain linking their origin back to Sufi Shaikh Habib Al-Raee from Greater Syria (present-day Iraq), who was the son of Shaikh Saleem Al-Raee.
b. Link: A link to this text is missing.
6. Tareekh-e-Arain (The History of the Arain)
a. Written by Ali Asghar Chaudhry and published in 1963.
b. Link (Urdu): https://apnaorg.com/books/urdu/tareekh-arain/book.php?fldr=book
7. Shām ta Multan (From the Levant to Multan).
a. Written by Chaudhry Muhammad Idrees, Advocate and member of Punjab’s General Assembly, published in 2020.
b. Link (Urdu): https://archive.org/details/ShaamTaMultan
Useful Links
1. Wikipedia
a. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arain
b. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_ibn_al-Qasim
c. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mian_Family_Baghbanpura
2. Selected articles on the origin of
the Arain
a. https://www.sultan-ul-ashiqeen.com/arain/
b. https://muslimcastes.wordpress.com/2016/04/17/arain-the-muslim-tribe/
c. A Book of Conquest: The Chachnama and Muslim Origins in South Asia.
Manan Ahmed Asif. Harvard University Press. 16th December 2016.
Link: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/southasia/2016/12/16/
3. Colonial era accounts
a. Panjab Castes by Sir Denzil Ibbetson,
published 1916
Link: https://archive.org/details/panjabcastes00ibbe/page/188/
4. Joshua Project
a. https://joshuaproject.net/people_groups/16228
b. https://joshuaproject.net/people_groups/16951/IN
c. https://joshuaproject.net/people_groups/18158/IN