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Armenian DNA Project

  • 5302 members

About us

This project has two complementary sets of objectives:

(1) To understand the genetic makeup and deep genetic history of the Armenian people. In the process, we hope to understand the historical impact of population migrations, invasions, and expansions.

(2) Provide genealogists with a tool to trace their recent Armenian ancestors, complementing historical documentation (predominantly from diaspora countries – ship lists, censuses, naturalization records, civil registries, etc.) and oral traditions. The descendants of famous Diaspora Armenians, scattered around the world in past centuries, can rediscover their roots. Descendants of genocide orphans can find long-lost relatives. The descendants of Armenian families separated during and after World War I will finally be able to find each other. To achieve these goals, project participants are encouraged to include information (name, date/place of birth/death, etc.) about their earliest known direct male ancestor (in the case of Y-DNA) or the earliest known direct female ancestor (in the case of Y-DNA, the case of mtDNA).

Excerpt from an editorial in The Economist © magazine, dated June 18, 2010: "The Oracle of Delphi hung two maxims over the entrance to his room for the edification of those who sought her prophecy: 'Know Thyself' and 'Nothing Superfluous.'" Self-knowledge is often the hardest to learn and least desirable, but the brutal truth is best. It is better for humanity to hope for this, at least because the truth will soon be revealed to the whole species... The shortcomings of humanity will be exposed. ... The history of the species, from its pre-origin in northeast Africa to its current imperial rule, has already been revealed, simply by being able to read the genome. It is now also possible to compare Homo sapiens. with his closest relative , not a living chimpanzee, with whom he broke up, probably, 5 million years ago, but an extinct Neanderthal, a real person. It will do what philosophers dreamed of, but no one has yet succeeded: to show what exactly it does. Homo sapiensis unique. The genome will also answer the age-old question of original sin. By showing what nature is, it will show what nurturing is, and thus how flexible and perfect the human animal really is... Genomics can show that people are indeed brothers and sisters under the skin. The species is young, so there was little time for the development of differences. Politically, that would be good news. However, it may turn out that some differences both between and within groups are very noticeable. If these differences lie in sensitive traits such as personality or intelligence, real problems can arise. People must be prepared for such an opportunity and ready to resist the excesses of racism, nationalism and eugenics that some are forced to offer in response. It won't be easy. The liberal answer is to respect people as individuals, regardless of the genetic hand with which they were surrendered. Genetic knowledge, as clumsy as it may be, doesn't change that."

Projet ADN Arménien Objectifs Le Projet ADN Arménien is a two series of additional objects: (1) Researcher of the genetic composition of the Armenian people and its deep genetic history. Nous voulons trouver les traces génétiques des peuples maintenant disparus dont les descendants (Armens, Colchidiens, Hatti, Hayasa, Hayk, Hittites, Hourrites, Gasga, Luwiens, Mitanni, Mushkis, Pala, Phrygiens, Ourartiens, etc.) ainsi que celles des envahisseurs qui ont conquis ou traversé les terres Arméniennes (Assyrians, Gamric-Himirri-Cimmerians, Greeks, Parthians, Romans, Scythians, Macedonians, Medes, Persians, etc.). Nous espérons ainsi mieux comprendre l'impact Historique des migration and invasions.

(2) Fournir un outil supplémentaire pour permettre aux généalogistes Arméniens de retrouver la trace de leurs ancêtres - suppléant ainsi à la documentary historique (principalement en originance des pays de la diaspora: listes de navires, recensements, dossiers de naturalization, actes d'etat) civil, etc.) et aux oral traditions. Les descendants d'orphelins du genocide Seront peut être en mesure de trouver des laiens de parenté avec d'autres Arméniens, redécouvrant ainsi leurs villes et villages d'origine. Les descendants des familles Arméniennes séparées durant et après la Première Guerre mondiale peuvent finalement avoir un moyen de se retrouver. Finalement, les descendants of d'Arméniens de la diaspora qui ont été diversés à travers le monde durant les siècles passés pourront peut être ainsi redécouvrir leurs anciennes racines.

Pour mieux comprendre le sujet, voir la conférence en Français intitulée: "Armenian DNA Project: analysis ADN et histoire de peuples - le cas arménien" donnée au Centre Culturel Arménien de Bruxelles, Belgique le 17 janvier 2014. La conférence a été suivie du session questions and answers .

You can use this link to the Index Anatolicus website to determine the Turkish name of your village/city/city of origin.

The screenshot below shows the towns/villages of origin of the participants in the Armenian DNA project. All regions in which Armenians have historically lived are well represented.

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