
  • 28 members

About us

The  ARTERBURN  Family in America was previously researched and the branches and several generations 
of descendants identified and first published  in  The  Arterburn  Cousins  (1977).  Our primary goal in DNA 
testing has been to determine our  Y-Haplogroup  (Y-SNP),  which would confirm the human population of 
our ancient ancestral roots and therewith disclose the  Old World origin prior to the arrival in America of our  
earliest patrilineal ancestor, which had not been discovered by the authors of  The  Arterburn  Cousins.

Our primary goal was effectively achieved through BIG Y (500) SNP testing in 2018  (members may log-in
to  see  Charts  and  SNPs  at  DNA  Results, on side bar)  that  yielded  our  current  terminal  Y-SNP  and  
Y-Haplogroup,  R-Y46 a  subclade  of  R-Y47, which identifies our  genetically  most  recent  common 
ancestor  (MRCA).    Our  BIG  Y  test  results  was  matched  by  the  Y-SNP  and  Y-STR  test  results  of  
additional  ARTERBURN  patrilineal descendants who have been confirmed positive for  R-Y47  or  R-Y46.   
The  test   results  of  descendants  who  were  tested  for  R-Y47  but  not  R-Y46  match  our   Y-Haplotype  
(Y-STR,  DYS#)--the genetic profile shared  by  all  ARTERBURN  male  patrilineal  descendants;  this fact 
coupled with our  BIG  Y  test results imply that all would necessarily  be  positive  for  Y-SNP,  R-Y46. The 
same applies for our descendant for whom  Y-SNP,  R-Z94,  an older parent clade of  R-Y46, is displayed as 
his  confirmed  Y-Haplogroup,  due  also  to  differential  individual  testing;  he  also  would  necessarily  be   
positive for Y-SNP,  R-Y46.  (See The  R-Y46  Story, below.)

Our Y-Haplogroup  (MRCA)  could change as new subclades of  R-Y46 are established on our branch of the 
Y-Haplogroup  Tree  as  Y-DNA  testing continues, if confirmed by positive matching  Y-SNP  test results of 
an ARTERBURN male patrilineal descendant.   Kit  #67603  has since been tested for a recently established
subclade, R-Y609, with  negative  results, which effectively eliminated that new Y-Haplogroup as a possible
route of advancing our line of genetic descent. The  intervening  subclade,  Y-SNP / Y- Haplogroup, R-Y931,
was not tested and  thus  remains  a  possible  route  of  descent,  after  R-Y46,  of  our  more  recent  genetic
ancestors in  India.  However,  testing  for  an  individual  Y-SNP  that identifies a new subclade is no longer
available;   a  BIG  Y  upgrade  ($209)  to  the   BIG  Y   (700 **   is  now  the  only  way  to  confirm  new  
subclades that will make possible discovery of more recent ancestors  on  our  branch  of  the  Y-Haplogroup
Tree. Your support of this necessary upgrade by contributing to the  General  Fund  ***  (Donate, side bar)
will be a legacy gift for your descendants who someday may be eager to know their ancestral roots.

A  descendant  of  Jemima  (Arterburn)  Collins  has reported  Ancestry  DNA  test  results  that  indicates an 
ancestral  geographical  link  to  the  region  identified  as  the  Gulf  of  Khambhat  on  the   West   Coast  of 
India, which  borders  the  Indian  state  of  Gujarat.  European  commercial  interests,  including  the  British  
East India Company, were established on  India's  West  Coast  early in the 17th century.   This geographical  
linkage derived from  global  DNA  testing agrees with our  Y-SNP  test results,  and may ultimately serve to 
situate our in-country  home  of  origin  as  more  of  our  Indian  ancestors  (MRCA)  are  identified  on  our  
branch of the Y-Haplogroup Tree.

The genetic evidence of our Old World patrilineal origin in India  (R-Y46 = R1a1a1b2a2a1b1) is consistent 
with the historical evidence as documented in 18th and 19th-century public  records  of  Maryland,  Virginia, 
and Tennessee, as summarized and published in  The  Arterburn  Story  (2023):

     *    Identities and contact information of our test participants are restricted under the requirements of the
           European Union's General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), with which our project is compliant. 

   **    BIG Y (700)       

 ***    We gratefully acknowledge and thank contributors (alphabetically) to the General Fund.
           New contributors will be recognized unless anonymity is requested:

                  Charles R. Arterburn, William N. Arterburn, Catherine A. Felten, Linda L. Hope, 
                  Sherry C. Young, and anonymous donors.


Family Tree DNA (FTDNA):  The R-Y46 Story

Family Tree DNA (FTDNA):  Forums

International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG):  Y-Chromosome DNA

International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG):  Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2019-2020

International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG):  Autosomal DNA (atDNA)

International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG):  Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)

See Also:

Find a Grave:  Peter Arterburn  (1711-1803)

Sharma, S., Rai, E., Sharma, P. et al. Journal of Human Genetics 54, 47-55 (2009)