Australian Settler Arrivals

Male and female immigrants to Australian Ports and States
  • 1148 members

About us

Updated 14 September 2024 For all those who immigrated to Australia, irrespective of gender or surname and irrespective as to whether arrival was voluntary or forced transportation. To help find family connections for the Australian Settlers of all spelling and variations. By joining the group you agree to provide the project with 3 things. 1) The surname of the person being tested. 2) The name, date and place of birth of the oldest researched male ancestor of your male patrilineal line and the oldest researched female ancestor of your matrilineal line. 3) Permission to publish the DNA results and the names, dates and places of birth of the oldest known patrilineal or matrilineal ancestor. Once you join, please ensure you advise the admins of your DIRECT paternal ancestor's ship, the date of arrival and the port of disembarkation. (If they were recent settlers, where did their plane fly into and when?) If you do not know these details, please write and say so. (This also applies to your DIRECT maternal ancestor's arrival details). Should you have NOT tested Y-DNA or mtDNA (and only FF), these details are unnecessary.
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