Azores Islands, Port

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(Em português abaixo) If you are looking to log into your personal FTDNA page, go to FamilyTree DNA and log in from there with your kit number and password.

NOTE: Project administrators can help you decide on which DNA test to order and are also available to help understand your DNA results. Contact with your Project Administrators should be about DNA. If you need help with genealogical research (i.e. Your ancestor was born in 1842 in Horta, Faial, and you don't know where to look next), please check out the Azores GenWeb at (Research Aids > Finding Your Roots). You can also join the Azores Google Group at!forum/azores and ask how to go about finding your ancestor. DNA questions are welcome on the Azores Google Group as well. If you don't want to research yourself, the Azores GenWeb has a list of researchers for hire on the home page, about halfway down.

The first settlers of the Azores archipelago arrived in the 1430s. The nine islands were settled primarily by Portuguese and Flemish settlers, along with small populations of Jewish and Moors. The population of the Azores Islands in 1993 was 237,800. Azorean emigration to North America began in the 1800s, when Azoreans joined the crews of American whaling ships. This was the beginning of a large scale Azorean emigration to the United States and Canada. By the late 20th century, more Azoreans resided in North America than in the archipelago. While researching their Azorean ancestry, many genealogists encounter genealogical obstacles such as "pais incognitos" (parents unknown). Another consistent difficulty arises with the seemingly random pattern with which Azoreans adopted their surnames. Azoreans would sometimes choose the surnames of their noble lineage; Avila and Bettencourt are two examples. Oftentimes, Azoreans would take their mother's surname, which may have religious origins (e.g.: da Rosa). With no set naming pattern established, Azorean DNA surname projects would be a futile effort. To establish genetic relationships for those of Azorean heritage, a geographical DNA project may be the answer. Additionally, females are eligible to participate through mtDNA (mitrochondrial) testing or autosomal DNA testing (Family Finder), where they would be excluded in a Y-chromosome surname project. To participate in the Azores Geographical DNA Project, please submit your lineage (as far back as you have it) and which island your ancestors were from. This project was founded May 5, 2005. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Os primeiros colonizadores do arquipélago dos Açores chegaram nos 1430. As nove ilhas foram determinadas principalmente pelos portuguêses e colonizadores de Flemish, junto com as populações pequenas de mouros e Judeus. A população das Ilhas de Açores em 1993 era de 237,800 habitantes. A Emigração Açoriana para a América do Norte começou nos anos de 1800, quando os açorianos uniram-se as tripulações de navios Americanos de Baleeiros. Este foi começo de uma escala grande de emigração açoriana aos Estados Unidos e Canadá. No século 20, mais açorianos já residiram na América do Norte que no arquipélago. Ao pesquisar a linhagem açoriana, vários obstáculos genealogicos podem ser encontrados, tal como "pais incógnito" (pais não sabidos). Outra dificuldade surge como os açorianos adotaram seus sobrenomes.Os açorianos às vezes escolheriam os sobrenomes de sua linhagem nobre; Avila e Bettencourt são dois exemplos. Frequentemente, açorianos adotavam o sobrenome da mãe, que pode ter origens religiosas (e.g. : da Rosa). Com nenhum padrão nomeado, projetos açorianos estabelecidos de sobrenome de DNA seriam um esforço fútil. Um projeto geográfico de DNA pode ser a resposta. Adicionalmente, pessoas do sexo feminino são elegíveis a participar com o mtDNA (mitochondria) que normalmente seria excluido caso o projeto fosse baseado num sobrenome )que no caso utiliza o cromossoma Y. A fim de participar nos Açores Projeto Geográfico de DNA, por favor submeta sua linhagem (mais distante possivel) e de que ilha seus antepassados vieram. O projeto foi criado: 5 Maio 2005.
Data obtained from the Azores DNA Project must be attributed to the project, administrators, and Family Tree DNA as outlined in the Creative Commons License. Please notify administrators when using data for public or private research.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License.
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