Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


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Test results that generally show matching DNA patterns have been grouped into clusters. Within each cluster, members match closely enough that there is a high probability they all descend from a common ancestor. Where one or more members of a cluster have been tested for an SNP marker that defines a subclade or branch within the major haplogroup, it is shown following the Cluster designation, as in R-U106 (haplogroup R, subclade defined by SNP marker U106). Finally, the full tree designation from the 2013 ISSOG tree is given.

Cluster 1 includes members with documented descent from mid-17th century immigrants from Buckinghamshire. Cluster 4 represents descendants of three Baldwin brothers who arrive in , in 1683 from Oxfordshire. Cluster 5 includes descendants of John Baldwin (the Quaker), who settled in by 1650. In other clusters, where results may not match as closely, their common ancestor may have lived some generations before descendants left for .