Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


Barlow Genealogy
  • 214 members

About us

1. Identify others who are related
2. Prove or disprove theories regarding ancestors
3. Solve brick walls in your research
4. Determine a location for further research
5. Validate existing research

Often a Surname Project has multiple objectives, and the objectives may even change over the life of the project.

Most Surname Projects start with the objective to identify others who are related, and through out the project the other objectives are achieved simply as a result of the project.

The next step is to decide whether you test 12 markers or 25 markers. Family Tree DNA recommends establishing the Project with the 12 marker Y chromosome test. 12 markers are sufficient to determine whether or not two people are related.

The value of the 25 marker test occurs when two participants are related based on the 12 marker test. When participants match in the 12 marker test, the test can be upgraded to 25 markers. The objective of the upgrade to the 25 marker test is to reduce the time frame of the common ancestor between the matching participants.
The common ancestor also referred to as the Most Recent Common Ancestor, or MRCA.

Typically, participants are very interested in upgrading their 12 marker test to 25 markers when a match occurs. Two individuals are considered related for the 12 marker test if they match 12/12, 11/12, and sometimes
with 10/12. In the first two situations, an upgrade to the 25 marker test is recommended.

Our main goal is to determine the relationships between the various groups of Barlow's, and the variant spelling of that surname.

If you believe your surname is a variant, please contact me to have it added to our listings.

We really would like to have members of all known family groupings to test and have the results posted here. Privacy is not an issue, only kit numbers and surname are posted, the only person who has access to that information is myself, and the person testing. You must be a male descendant, and have one of the surnames of this particular project.

We desperately are seeking members of:

Edmund Barlow of Malden Massachusetts

George Barlow of Sandwich Massachusetts

And of course, as many England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, etc... families as we can find, especially those who have successfully traced their roots to very early times.

Many of the families researching have no roots as yet ... be tested to see if you can join one of our family groups, and add your family to our growing trees.