Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


  • 548 members

About us

Family Tree DNA has made a number of new gadgets available for us.

1) There is a map showing the distribution of ancestors and participants of our project.

2) Participants have the ability to upload their results to the Y-Search database at . Y-Search is a database designed for anyone of any surname testing with any testing company. A participant may upload his results and see if he matches with someone else whose data is in the database but possibly not in the Family Tree DNA database (which is done automatically when results are returned to FTDNA).

3) Among participants there is a bulk mail email program.

4) Family Tree DNA publishes a monthly e-zine. Anyone can sign up to receive it by going to the main FTDNA website.

5) Family Tree DNA also has a discussion board which is accessible also from the FTDNA mainpage at

6) Feel free to contact me with any other news at

7) Visit is on our home site at