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Bashkirs DNA & Suyun projects
For DNA-matches of different men. Этот проект удобен для поиска совпаденцев и приближенцев среди разных народов мира.
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Soraman - For DNA-tests of different peoples
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here is no universally accepted etymology of the word "Bashqort". Several suggested theories are: Ethnologist R. G. Kuzeev defines the ethnonym as "bash" — "main, head" and "qort" — " clan, tribe". According to the theory of 18th c. ethnographers, V. N. Tatishchev, P. I. Richkov, and Johann Gottlieb Georgi, the word "Bashqort" means "wolf-leader of the pack" (bash — "main",qort — "wolf"). In 1847, historian V. S. Yumatov suggested the meaning as "beekeeper, beemaster". Another Russian historian and ethnologist A. E. Alektorov in 1885 suggested that "Bashqort" means "distinct nation". Famous Turkologist N. A. Baskakov believed that the word "Bashqort" consists of two parts: "badz(a)" - brother-in-law" and "(o)gur" and means "Ugrics' brother-in-law". Ethnologist N. V. Bikbulatov's theory states that the term originates from the name of legendary Khazar warlord Bashgird, who was dwelling with two thousand of his warriors in the area of the Jayıq river. According to Douglas Morton Dunlop the word "Bashqort" comes from "beshgur, bashgur" which means "five tribes, five Ugrics". Since "SH" in the modern language complies with "L" in Bulgar ethnonyms "Bashqort(bashgur)" and "Bulgar" are equivalent. Historian and linguist András Róna-Tas believes the ethonym "Bashkir", is a Bulgar Turkic reflex of the Hungarian self-denomination "Magyar" (Old Hungarian: "Majer").
Photo of Bashkirs...

and etc...
Bashkirs DNA & Suyun projects
For DNA-matches of different men. Этот проект удобен для поиска совпаденцев и приближенцев среди разных народов мира.
This project - National clans
Friendly projects of FTDNA:
Peoples - Clans and Familian surnames of different peoples.
Soraman - For DNA-tests of different peoples
Our discussion forum

Bashqort clans (Bashkirs)
here is no universally accepted etymology of the word "Bashqort". Several suggested theories are: Ethnologist R. G. Kuzeev defines the ethnonym as "bash" — "main, head" and "qort" — " clan, tribe". According to the theory of 18th c. ethnographers, V. N. Tatishchev, P. I. Richkov, and Johann Gottlieb Georgi, the word "Bashqort" means "wolf-leader of the pack" (bash — "main",qort — "wolf"). In 1847, historian V. S. Yumatov suggested the meaning as "beekeeper, beemaster". Another Russian historian and ethnologist A. E. Alektorov in 1885 suggested that "Bashqort" means "distinct nation". Famous Turkologist N. A. Baskakov believed that the word "Bashqort" consists of two parts: "badz(a)" - brother-in-law" and "(o)gur" and means "Ugrics' brother-in-law". Ethnologist N. V. Bikbulatov's theory states that the term originates from the name of legendary Khazar warlord Bashgird, who was dwelling with two thousand of his warriors in the area of the Jayıq river. According to Douglas Morton Dunlop the word "Bashqort" comes from "beshgur, bashgur" which means "five tribes, five Ugrics". Since "SH" in the modern language complies with "L" in Bulgar ethnonyms "Bashqort(bashgur)" and "Bulgar" are equivalent. Historian and linguist András Róna-Tas believes the ethonym "Bashkir", is a Bulgar Turkic reflex of the Hungarian self-denomination "Magyar" (Old Hungarian: "Majer").Photo of Bashkirs...
Bashkirs (Bashqort) DNA project (Y-DNA) of this site. All the base