Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


  • 34 members

About us

The goals of the BEMIS Surname Project are to:

1.            Distinguish between BEMIS ancestral lines, worldwide.  Any reasonable spelling variant is included. Please feel free to suggest a variant you feel we have missed.   Please note that, at the outset, it makes sense to "cast the net widely." As the number of participants increases and various lines become well defined, we will be more than happy to turn over the obviously unrelated surname variants to other researchers/admins that may be specializing in them. 

 2.           To date, the Bemis Y-chromosome DNA surname project has identified two genetic groups, both assigned to Haplogroup I1.  They are:

  • Bemis: A

  • Bemis: RecLOH YCAIIa, b=21, 21.

We aim to gain a better understanding of the ancient connection between Bemis: A and Bemis: RecLOH YCAIIa,b=21,21 Even though both genetic groups belong to Haplogroup I1 and share a common ancestor at some point in time, the genetic distance between them is in conflict with the lines of descent presented on the Background page. Both groups cannot have had Joseph Bemis (1619 - 1684 + Sarah) as their MRCA.  DNA results currently suggest that these groups may share a common geographical origin or another type of connection either in the British Isles or in Continental Europe at the time of the adoption of the surname by both lines. However, their most recent common ancestor via the direct male line seems to have lived in the much more distant past.  

3.            To verify the relationships between individuals within each of these groups by ensuring DNA results are consistent with the lines of descent submitted.

In light of this information, please note that in order to participate meaningfully in the Bemis DNA Project you will need to submit your direct male line of descent to the administrators, starting with your earliest known male Bemis ancestor and finishing with yourself.  As an example of requirements, please see our participants’ lines on the Background page. Please forward this information to one of the administrators shown at the top of the page.