St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


  • 27 members

About us

20 July 2016:  A new Admin recruited (Gail Riddell).

16 DEC 2005: The Y-DNA of William Bess (1776-circa 1865) matches that of Hamilton Bess (1803-circa 1888) 11 for 12. It is anticipated that the upcoming upgrade to 37 markers will once and for all prove that William was Hamilton's father.

18 MAY 2006: We have been posting on various messageboards trying to attract more participants of the Bess surname...preferably from the United Kingdom or Europe. There is a good number Britons who bear the Bess surname and their Y-DNA could be vital in acquiring our origin. So far, no replies have been receieved so we wait...

30 MAY 2006: Our FIRST R1b Haplotype BEST surname bearer has joined our project! This is very exciting as it reopens the possibility that the descendants of William Bess originally had BEST ancestry!

30 MAY 2006: Our FIRST R1b Haplotype BEST surname bearer has joined our project! This is very exciting as it reopens the possibility that the descendants of William Bess originally had BEST ancestry! 26 JUN 2006: 37-marker results have just arrived for Kit #57895 who descends from Nash Leslie Bess (b. 1819). Please refer to "Project Results" for a detailed explanation. A 37-marker upgrade for Kit #N27793 is in the planning!

22 FEB 2007: I have recently made contact with some paternal descendants of Henry Bess (b. 1805) who was also a son of William Bess (b. 1776) but so far, not one of them has accepted my invitation to join our humble project. It would be an honor to have this branch represented...I even offered to pay their way at no cost to them...

24 FEB 2007: The mutation pattern of the descendants of Hamilton Bess (b. 1803), William Bess (b. 1814) and Nash Leslie Bess (b. 1819) confirm that they were brothers and that their father donned the aforementioned Y-DNA allele patten. Knowing that William Bess (b. 1776) fathered many sons and that he was the ONLY "Bess" surname bearer of adult age residing in the Commonwealth of Virginia that fathered children, we now know for FACT, that three of the statistical male children identified under the household of William Bess (b. 1776) in both the 1810 and 1820 Federal Census Reports were indeed Hamilton Bess (b. 1803), William Bess (b. 1814) and Nash Leslie Bess (b. 1819). Stay tuned...