Midlands and Birmingham

  • 97 members

About us

The West Midlands and Birmingham in particular have been and continue to be a unique crossroads in England. Birmingham was the powerhouse of the Industrial Revolution and emigration to this area from the surrounding areas in Warwickshire plus ongoing from the neighbouring counties of Staffordshire, and Worcestershire (the three counties now form West Midland County) created this crossroads. Emigration from Wales, Ireland and Scotland to work in the Industrial Heartland of England provided the thousands of extra hands needed during the early days. Hence one would expect to find an enormous variety of mtDNA in people who trace their mtDNA line back to Birmingham and the counties of Warwick, Stafford and Worcester which surround the now second largest city in England.

I am requesting that all members have a paper trail back to Birmingham or those areas closeby in the now West Midland (includes Staffordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire). When you decide to join this group please send your paper trail to the project administrator (kippeeb@rogers.com) and it would be appreciated if you would also include your mt trail back as far as you have been able to trace it in order to fulfil the goal of charting by quarter century the haplogroups found in this area. I would also like to limit the group to those who have at a minimum their HVRI and HVRII results. No identifying information will be displayed (only the haplogroup, HVRI and HVRII results). Thank you.

If you are interested in being part of the FGS group (results will not be displayed on the website) then you need to check the box which permits the administrator to look at your FGS results. You might also want to consider submitting your results under your own name or anonymously to GenBank.

If you trace back to a Home Child I would also like to prepare a listing of the haplogroups/subclades and their mutations which became part of the mosaic of North America as a result of this enormous emigration of children from England to Canada in the latter part of the 1800s into the 1900s.
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