About us
This project is intended to be a DNA clearinghouse for the benefit of all those who are researching the Bishir/Bisher family.
First the "Bishir" spelling we are using is just a placeholder for a lot of variations on the name. More so than most families, the Bishirs appear in records with a vast array of spellings: Bishir, Bisher, Byshire, Buysher, Bysheare... and the list goes on, although Bishir and Bisher are the most common today.
We started with Christopher Bishir's family who came to Highland County, Ohio from Pennsylvania in the 1830s and have since added lines in northern Ohio, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. We are happy to collect information about as many Bishir/Bishers as possible and put it up here so we can coordinate our research. This is your project - so help us out!
Be sure to visit our genealogy page too at www.bishir.org...