St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!

BNL dna

  • 88 members

About us

- 15 June 2006 - Our first day on-line! - 21 July 2006 – After the first month, we have 5 people with Tests in progress! - 29 August 2006 – After the second month, we have 6 people, with Tests returned for 4 ! - 25 May 2007 – After eleven months, we have 11 Members and 3 non-BNL_dna listings. - 06 Dec 2007 - Added a Comparison Spreadsheet of the public (on-line) British Isle 2 data to the public (on-line) BNL_dna Data. - 24 Aug 2008 - Total of 15 members; updated both spreadsheets, the BNL_dna and the BNL+BI2, which has 2108 names! = =News-LU: 080103.2105
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