About us
Updated 8 February 2016
Use the menu bar to the side of the project page to navigate to any page of the project website. To post to the forum ("Activity Feed"), make sure you are signed in as a member.
if you have one of the surnames listed in the surname menu to the side of the project, (or below) please join us, by clicking on the <Join> button.
Ainsley, Allison, Anderson, Archbold, Armstrong, Ballantine, Ballantyne, Barraford, Beatty, Bell, Blekinsop, Bogue, Boone, Bromfield, Brown, Bruce, Bunyan, Burn, Burrell, Carlisle, Carlton, Carnaby, Carothers, Carr, Carre Carruthers, Cecil, Cessford, Chamberlain, Chisholm, Clifford, Collingwood, Coulter, Cranston, Craw, Crawford, Cresswell, Crichton, Crisp, Crozier, Cruthirds, Curwen, Cuthbert, Dacre, Dalgliesh, Davidson, Davison, Dixon, Dodds, Dodson, Douglas, Drysdale, Dunn, Dunne, Elder, Eliott, Elliot, Elliott, Elwood, Etherington, Eure, Fenwick, Fleming, Forster, Fraser, Gilchrist, Glendenning, Glenn, Goodfellow, Gordon, Gowland, Graden, Graham, Gray, Grey, Hadley, Hall, Halliday, Harden, Harle, Hedley, Henderson, Hepburn, Heron, Hetherington, Hildreth, Hodgson, Howard, Hume, Hunter, Huntley, Inglis, Irvine, Irving, Irwin, Jackson, Jamiesn, Jardine, Johnston(e), Kennedy, Kerr, Kilpatrick, Kinmont, Kirkland, Kirkpatrick, Laidlaw, Langley, Liddell, Liddle, Lindsay, Lisle, Little, Lowther, MacLellan, Maxwell, McCulloch, Medford, Milburn, Minto, Moffat, Moffit, Montgomery, Murray, Musgrave, Nixon, Noble, Ogle, Oliver, Orde, Orr, Percy, Plunkett, Porteous, Potts, Pringle, Pyle, Radcliff, Rayburn, Reade, Reaveley, Redpath, Reed, Ridley, Robeson Robinson, Robison, Robson, Rowell, Rutherford, Rutledge, Salkeld, Scoles, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Shortridge, Simpson, Snaydon, Sommerville, Stamper, Stapleton, Stephenson, Stewart, Storey, Swinton, Taggart, Tait, Taylor, Telford, Thom(p)son, Trimble, Trotter, Turnbull, Turner, Tweedie, Veitch, Waddington, Wake, Wallace, Watson, Waugh, Weir, Wetherington, Wharton, Wilkinson, Wilson, Witherington, Yarrow, Young
Please do NOT join unless you have a listed surname or that surname (spelling variants are acceptable) is in your family tree.
If you are curious about this project beyond the raw DNA results available from the menu, please visit the original website at the URL below. This is active and the admin is also the instigator of this FTDNA project (2004) and remains the main admin of this FTDNA project along with his own - Jim Elliott - who you can contact at jameselliott90@comcast.net
Use the menu bar to the side of the project page to navigate to any page of the project website. To post to the forum ("Activity Feed"), make sure you are signed in as a member.
if you have one of the surnames listed in the surname menu to the side of the project, (or below) please join us, by clicking on the <Join> button.
Ainsley, Allison, Anderson, Archbold, Armstrong, Ballantine, Ballantyne, Barraford, Beatty, Bell, Blekinsop, Bogue, Boone, Bromfield, Brown, Bruce, Bunyan, Burn, Burrell, Carlisle, Carlton, Carnaby, Carothers, Carr, Carre Carruthers, Cecil, Cessford, Chamberlain, Chisholm, Clifford, Collingwood, Coulter, Cranston, Craw, Crawford, Cresswell, Crichton, Crisp, Crozier, Cruthirds, Curwen, Cuthbert, Dacre, Dalgliesh, Davidson, Davison, Dixon, Dodds, Dodson, Douglas, Drysdale, Dunn, Dunne, Elder, Eliott, Elliot, Elliott, Elwood, Etherington, Eure, Fenwick, Fleming, Forster, Fraser, Gilchrist, Glendenning, Glenn, Goodfellow, Gordon, Gowland, Graden, Graham, Gray, Grey, Hadley, Hall, Halliday, Harden, Harle, Hedley, Henderson, Hepburn, Heron, Hetherington, Hildreth, Hodgson, Howard, Hume, Hunter, Huntley, Inglis, Irvine, Irving, Irwin, Jackson, Jamiesn, Jardine, Johnston(e), Kennedy, Kerr, Kilpatrick, Kinmont, Kirkland, Kirkpatrick, Laidlaw, Langley, Liddell, Liddle, Lindsay, Lisle, Little, Lowther, MacLellan, Maxwell, McCulloch, Medford, Milburn, Minto, Moffat, Moffit, Montgomery, Murray, Musgrave, Nixon, Noble, Ogle, Oliver, Orde, Orr, Percy, Plunkett, Porteous, Potts, Pringle, Pyle, Radcliff, Rayburn, Reade, Reaveley, Redpath, Reed, Ridley, Robeson Robinson, Robison, Robson, Rowell, Rutherford, Rutledge, Salkeld, Scoles, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Shortridge, Simpson, Snaydon, Sommerville, Stamper, Stapleton, Stephenson, Stewart, Storey, Swinton, Taggart, Tait, Taylor, Telford, Thom(p)son, Trimble, Trotter, Turnbull, Turner, Tweedie, Veitch, Waddington, Wake, Wallace, Watson, Waugh, Weir, Wetherington, Wharton, Wilkinson, Wilson, Witherington, Yarrow, Young
Please do NOT join unless you have a listed surname or that surname (spelling variants are acceptable) is in your family tree.

If you are curious about this project beyond the raw DNA results available from the menu, please visit the original website at the URL below. This is active and the admin is also the instigator of this FTDNA project (2004) and remains the main admin of this FTDNA project along with his own - Jim Elliott - who you can contact at jameselliott90@comcast.net