Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


  • 107 members

About us

Anyone with the Boughton Bouton, surname, including spelling variants, is welcome to join! We highly recommend the Y-37-marker test at a minimum. For the best results, a Y-67 or Y-111 test will give better accuracy, but members are welcome with any level test. Most of our members have upgraded to the Big-Y700 test. We are most interested in male decedents of the four male children of John Bouton-Bowton who died at Norwalk, Connecticut circa 1707 that had children. Although this is a Y-DNA (male) site Females that are direct descendants of a Boughton, Bouton, Boutton, Bowton are welcome to join if they have had a Family Finder test or a transfer from Ancestry or 23andMe. In this way, females can connect with there male relatives. If you have any questions please contact the group administrator. Thanks for your support and contributions.