
  • 449 members

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VERY IMPORTANT - Results are sub-grouped by haplogroup. All those in sub-groups which have "UNMATCHED" in the title are not related to one another. There is no likelihood of people from different haplogroups having a common male ancestor within the past several thousand years.

Sub-grouping is dynamic and will be updated as new relationships become clear. This is vital to making sense of the data.

We have a wealth of Y-DNA data and some interesting findings. Like many surnames, the Boyds show great diversity with many different haplogroups represented.

The largest group (the rare R-U198) has a very distinctive "motif" which is only clear on a 37-marker test. Even better would be the 67-marker test as there are two further key markers on the 38-67 panel.

"Low resolution" tests (i.e. less than 37 markers) are often inadequate for establishing connections and this is especially true for any type of "R1b". Any member who has old results with fewer than 37 markers is strongly advised to upgrade.

The 111 marker Y-DNA test is arguably the best product of its type on the market. It is good value, very comprehensive and, within certain groups such as either of the two Boyd main lines, is helpful in separating family lines.

The Big Y700 test is the best test available as it tests 700 STR's and many SNP's however it is fairly expensive  We highly recommend you consult with our project administrators in interpreting the results

Deep clade ("SNP") tests can be helpful where the exact haplogroup is not known. These are not always necessary so we recommend contacting the project administrator before ordering.

Members who have few matches should check that their preference is NOT set to "surname matches only". You might well have a valid match with another surname. We have several such examples.