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Boylan DNA

"the bold Kings of Dartry"
  • 136 members

About us

3 Feb 2020
Group 7 is made up of people with the surname Bowling, Bolling, Bullen and various other variants. 
Two members have done the I2-L596 SNP Pack which indicates that both test positive for the SNP marker S11003.
One member has done the Big Y test and this has brought the group 1 branch further downstream on the Tree of Mankind (characterised by the SNP marker BY48993 which is the first of 55 SNPs in this SNP block).
This is a very isolated branch of the Tree of Mankind. The nearest neighbours to this branch share a common ancestor with this group about 6600 years ago (based on the fact that there are 55 SNPs in the BY48993 SNP Block and an average of 24 Private Variants among the 2 people on this branch who have tested with the Big Y, and allowing 84 years per SNP).
Judging by the countries of origin of participants on adjacent branches, it would seem most probable that the ancestral origins for this branch were somewhere in the UK or Ireland, with a particular lean towards Scotland or England.

31 Dec 2019
Group 3 of the project appear to have ancestral roots in Ireland, with 2 people from Cavan, 2 from Kerry, and 1 from Meath. But it is still uncertain which in county in Ireland the group’s ancestors lived at the time when surnames were adopted (about 1000 years ago).

One person in the group has done the Big Y test and this places him on a branch of the Tree of Mankind characterised by the SNP marker BY24138. Assuming that everyone in Group 3 has been correctly grouped with this particular individual, this suggests that everyone in Group 3 shares this Terminal SNP (i.e. sits on the same branch) and this would be confirmed if everyone did the Big Y test.

The age of this particular SNP marker is about 1000 years old (allowing 84 years per SNP) so at first glance it looks like it might be specific to the Boylan “clan”. However, several other surnames are associated with this branch of the Tree of Mankind include King, and several variants of O’Donoghue. You can see this on The Big Tree here … Other surnames on this branch have largely Irish origins, with a few from Scotland.

Interestingly, one of the ancestral origins for the O’Donoghue surname is Cavan (there are 10 other ones too). They later migrated to neighbouring Ulster (16th Century). And the particular Donoghue’s that share the BY24138 SNP with Group 3 are placed in a group called “E. Airghialla 1” in the O’Donoghue DNA Project. Airghialla is an ancient kingdom in Ulster. So this circumstantial evidence could support an origin for the Group 3 Boylan’s in Cavan.

In order to advance the project, it would be helpful if someone else from Group 3 did the Big Y test. A second Big Y test in the group would firstly confirm that group members are correctly grouped and secondly would help identify a downstream sub-branch of BY24138 which is specific to the Boylan’s of Group 3. Currently the sole tester has 9 “private” (i.e. unique) SNP markers that he shares with no one else in the database - a second Big Y test from Group 3 would likely identify which of these private SNPs are shared by the second tester and would help further delineate the branching structure in this particular portion of the Tree of Mankind. It would also encourage others to test and to advance the search for the ancestral roots of the Boylan’s of Group 3.

11 Oct 2016
R1b-Group 3 now has an additional member (who has tested out to 67 markers) bringing the total to 6 (4 Boylan, 2 Boyle). The new member has ancestry in Cavan. He matches a Boylen from Louth (he has been invited to join the project).
Everyone in the group should join the Clan Colla project as the Admins may have some further advice and support to offer. See 
Here is where R1b-Group 3 sits on the Human Evolutionary Tree (see  ... 

6 Oct 2016
28 members now.
  • R1b-Group 1 - 4 members, 3 have done Big Y. Terminal SNP BY3555. Member 211236 appears on Alex Williamson's Big Tree with the following SNP Progression: R-P312/S116 > Z40481 > ZZ11 > U152/S28 > L2/S139 > Z367/S255 > L20/S144 > S3856 > S1505 > BY3579
  • R1b-Group 2 - 3 members (as below).
  • R1b-Group 3 - 5 members (3 Boylan, 2 Boyle), 1 Big Y tested (terminal SNP S953). SNP Progression likely to be R-P312/S116 > L21/S145 > DF13 > DF21/S192 > S971 > Z16267 > Z3000/S951 (Clan Colla/Airghialla Type I) > Z3006 > Z3004 > S953. Probable strong connection between Boyle & Boylan surnames. Ancestral homeland appears to be Cavan-Monaghan area. Z3000 SNP Pack recommended ($119) to clarify genetic relatedness between Boyle & Boylan surnames. 

18 May 2016
20 members so far and 3 distinct sub-groups have been identified, all haplogroup R1b:
  • R1b-Group 1 - 2 members (Bolin & Bowling), origins from Germany & Scotland. Terminal SNP P312 > U152 > S1505 > BY3555.
  • R1b-Group 2 - 3 members (Bolen & Kidd), origins in Scotland & US. Terminal SNP L21 > DF21 > Y17622 (aka Y17479) so they are placed in the Little Scottish Cluster.
  • R1b-Group 3 - 2 members (both Boylan), origins in Ireland. Terminal SNP probably L21 > DF21 > Z3000. Z3000 SNP Pack recommended ($119). They are likely to fall into the Clan Colla / Airgalla Type 1 group.
Of the Ungrouped members who have not as yet done SNP testing, the terminal SNP is likely to be as follows:
  • Boylan, 378662 - Z255 (highly likely) and possibly A1154 downstream (associated with the Beatty surname in Ireland). Z255 SNP Pack recommended ($119)
  • Bowling, 13209 - DF41 probable, but nothing more downstream evident. DF41 SNP Pack or L21 SNP Pack (safer) could be the next step.
  • Mallory, 100309 - no clear signal from terminal SNPs of matches. R-M343 Backbone test would be next step.

14 May 2016
This project was started 2 days ago on 12 May 2016 and already we have 17 new members. As membership grows it should be possible to allocate members to specific genetic families and already one such group has been identified. Project updates will be posted here.