Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


  • 59 members

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1. I recommend that project members join the appropriate Y-Haplogroup project. This is entirely free, and takes only a couple of mouse clicks. First click on the blue "JOIN" button on your FTDNA personal page, then scroll down until you come to the yDNA projects. Joining one of these projects adds to the cumulative knowledge about the various Y-Haplogroups and helps you to learn more about your deep ancestry, before the advent of surnames.
2. Also consider sending a DNA sample to the Sorenson Molecular Genetic Foundation. This is also entirely free and very easy. The SMGF database offers yet another way to find DNA matches (both yDNA and mtDNA). Go to to get all the information. A personal note: It took about a year for me to find the results of my SGMF testing (they don't send you the info; you have to search their database). It has been worthwhile for me, since SMGF tests some different markers than does FTDNA, I now have a total of about 76 markers. The more data, the better!
3. Exciting news (Jan '09)! The R1a1 Bradberry line has been shown to match closely with the yDNA of a Bradbury family in Yorkshire (unfortunately, no representative of this Yorkshire line is yet a member of the project). This is the first known "jumping of the pond" by a Bradberry using DNA matching.

UPDATE as of Jan 2012
<meta content=" 2.4 (Linux)" name="GENERATOR" /><style type="text/css"><!--@page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in }P { margin-bottom: 0.08in }--></style>Happy New Year to all! To start theyear properly I want to let you all know the status of theBRADBERRY/BRADBURY surname yDNA project. There have been a number oftechnical advances during the last year or so; many new SNPs havebeen identified, Family Tree DNA is now offering 111 yDNA markers andthere have recently been some major changes to our personal FTDNApages. Naturally, the changes have been made to make things easierfor us – but just as naturally some of us (ME) have faced a steeplearning curve. If you have problems next time you visit yourpersonal page, let me know and I’ll try to help. <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;">We have now identified six distinct,unrelated BRADBERRY/BRADBURY family groups. By “unrelated” I meanno common paternal ancestor in at least a few thousand years, andusually many thousands of years. These groups have the exciting names“Group 1”, “Group 2”, etc, up through “Group 5”. Thenthere is one individual who doesn’t fit in any of the other 5groups. Here is a thumbnail sketch of the groups:</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><b>Group 1</b>Two members, both<b> </b>inthe U. S. Their earliest known paternal ancestor Richard BRADBERRYwas b. ca 1775 (place unknown) and d. ca 1826 in King William Co.,Virginia. The haplogroup is I1- M263. The continental “hotspot”for their close matches is the Eastern Baltic area (Sweden, Poland,Lithuania). My hypothesis is that a Group 1 ancestor got to Englandabout 1000 years ago. This group has very close matches with surnamesMOORE, MORRIS, BUIE, FOSTER, WHITEHEAD including a 67/67 match withMOORE.</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><b>Group 2</b>One member, in the U. S. with earliest known ancestor James BRADBURYb. ca 1832 in Kentucky. Haplogroup is J2 which is considerably lessnumerous than I or R in the U.K., but is not really rare. Closematches with surnames MANLEY and MITCHELL.</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><b>Group 3</b>Three members, all in the U.S. Haplogroup is R1a1a which some expertsbelieve came to the U.K. With Vikings. The earliest known paternalancestor is Lewis BRADBERRY, b. 1765 in Henry Co., Virginia. Veryclose matches with surnames BROOKS and BUTLER.</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><b>Group 4</b>[Note: Groups 4, 5, and 6 are all in Haplogroup R1b, which is thelargest haplogroup in the U. K. (In all of Europe as well)] Twomembers in Australia; earliest known paternal ancestor Wm. BRADBURYb. ca 1835 in Lincolnshire. There are no close matches to this group.</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><b>Group 5</b>Two members; one in Australia and one in Newfoundland. No info on theearliest paternal ancestor and no close matches.</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><b>Group 6</b>One member in New Zealand. Paternal ancestry from Wales. No closematches.</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><a name="MainContent_tcPublicWebsiteSetup_tpSiteConfig_hySiteURL"></a>Click on our website at<a href=""></a></p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;">Please contact meif you have addition information you don’t mind sharing with otherproject members. Also, if you want to expand the possibility ofmatches and learn more about your ancient paternal ancestors, you maywish to join a haplogroup project. You can join one without droppingout of our surname project (please don’t drop out!).</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;">ForGroup 1 visit<a href=""></a></p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;">ForGroup 2 visit<a href=""></a></p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;">ForGroups 3 – 6 (all of whom are in haplogroup R) select theappropriate project from <a href=""></a></p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"><br /> </p><br />