
Braithwaite DNA Project - Braithwaite and Braffett
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For Y-DNA haplogroups E-FT168695, I-M253, J-M172, and R-M269, using Big Y-700 results, here are the migration maps suggested by Globetrekker.

For Y-DNA haplogroup J-M172 which includes J-FT248616, Rich Braegger did work primarily in 2017-2018 analyzing Y-DNA results for Braithwaite and Braffitt in North America. He assembled those results in a Braithwaite DNA Project.
The following haplogroups are included under J-M172: J-M172 > J-M241 > J-Z2507 > J-Y4493 > J-FT248616.

One hypothesis for Braithwaite/Braffett matches in Y-DNA haplogroup J-M172 or its subgroups is that the common ancestor may have origins in Cumbria, England. Some of these Cumbria Braithwaite descendants for haplogroup J-FT248616 may have migrated to North America in two waves.

The first wave was in the mid 1700s to British America (colonies of Connecticut and New York). There are no known records at this time identifying who the immigrant ancestor(s) in this first wave might have been or when the surname spelling changed from Braithwaite to Braffett. However, the pronunciation of the village Braithwaite in Cumbria is similar to the pronunciation of the surname Braffett. Use this IPA website to hear the pronuncation of the village Braithwaite (IPA: brɛθɪt). The earliest known ancestors in this first wave include:

James Braffett (c.1763-c.1808) at Find a Grave and FamilySearch
John Braffet (c.1765- ) and his sons James Joshua Braffet and Hezekiah Braffett
James William Braffett (1772-1812) and his sons William Wiban Braffett and George Washington Braffett

The second wave was in the mid 1800s to Utah and preserved the Braithwaite spelling. This second wave includes the children of:

Rowland Braithwaite (1798-1852) at Find a Grave and FamilySearch.

Some of the likely descendants in North America for these two immigration waves are captured in a descendants list here. Direct line male descendants in this list are likely candidates for Y-DNA testing. Note that this list does not include any descendants outside of North America.

Rich Braegger's 2017-2018 analysis concluded that a Braffitt descendant of the first wave immigration (to New York) and a Braithwaite descendant of the second wave immigration (to Utah) have a common paternal line ancestor within the last 7 generations at an 80% probability level. The Discover tool estimates the common ancestor for haplogroup J-FT248616 lived about 1450.