About us
We have met our first goal, proving that there is a familial relationship between three of the six colonial Carolina Bruton families and to match later Brutons/Brewtons to these families, as outlined earlier. We still seek descendants of the three untested colonial Carolina lines. We also aim to identify where within Europe the Brutons originated.
•25-, 37-, of 67-MARKER TEST: Please take at least the Y-DNA25 test, as the 25-marker test is needed to definitively establish relationships. Since Western Europe had a highly homogeneous population, many people with Western European backgrounds will match at the 12-marker level. The 25-marker test is more precise and will provide a better family match. Prices have come down but the more markers tested, the more expensive. We recognize this challenge but please remember the cost of making court house and archives trips. Please contact the study administrator if you are interested in potentially pooling resources with others to take the test.
•TEST TAKERS MUST BE MEN FOR THE Y-DNA TEST: Only men of direct descent may take the Y-DNA test. This will typically mean that the person taking the test is named Bruton or Brewton, and traces back through his father, grandfather, etc., to an early Bruton/Brewton.
•WOMEN’S PARTICIPATION WANTED! Women may not take the test, as the Y-DNA test is for the Y-chromosome that is passed from father to son to grandson, etc. Women may participate in the study in many ways, including seeking a male family member to take the test and helping financially.
•DONATIONS WELCOME! Several of our DNA tests were paid for by combining contributions from Bruton/Brewton researchers. We welcome any contributions, no matter how small, as this helps us order new tests. You may specify how you want your contribution spent - - for a descendant of a given ancestor or for any pending test. Please contact the study administrator about making a contribution.
•TEST AT LEAST 2 DESCENDANTS PER ANCESTOR: Our aim is to have at least two Bruton/Brewton male descendants take the test for each early ancestor, with each man descending from a different son of the early ancestor. For example, we seek at least two Brewton male descendants who descend from George Brewton of Spartanburgh District, SC, to take the test, one each from a different son of George. This aim eliminates the small probability of non-paternity issues (adoption, etc.) that may skew the data results.
•PRIVACY: We will follow FamilyTreeDNA’s privacy and confidentiality policy. When we post test results, we will not disclose the test kit number matched with your name.
•REPORTING: After insuring that your privacy is protected, we will not delay in posting any Bruton/Brewton group reports that are completed.
•25-, 37-, of 67-MARKER TEST: Please take at least the Y-DNA25 test, as the 25-marker test is needed to definitively establish relationships. Since Western Europe had a highly homogeneous population, many people with Western European backgrounds will match at the 12-marker level. The 25-marker test is more precise and will provide a better family match. Prices have come down but the more markers tested, the more expensive. We recognize this challenge but please remember the cost of making court house and archives trips. Please contact the study administrator if you are interested in potentially pooling resources with others to take the test.
•TEST TAKERS MUST BE MEN FOR THE Y-DNA TEST: Only men of direct descent may take the Y-DNA test. This will typically mean that the person taking the test is named Bruton or Brewton, and traces back through his father, grandfather, etc., to an early Bruton/Brewton.
•WOMEN’S PARTICIPATION WANTED! Women may not take the test, as the Y-DNA test is for the Y-chromosome that is passed from father to son to grandson, etc. Women may participate in the study in many ways, including seeking a male family member to take the test and helping financially.
•DONATIONS WELCOME! Several of our DNA tests were paid for by combining contributions from Bruton/Brewton researchers. We welcome any contributions, no matter how small, as this helps us order new tests. You may specify how you want your contribution spent - - for a descendant of a given ancestor or for any pending test. Please contact the study administrator about making a contribution.
•TEST AT LEAST 2 DESCENDANTS PER ANCESTOR: Our aim is to have at least two Bruton/Brewton male descendants take the test for each early ancestor, with each man descending from a different son of the early ancestor. For example, we seek at least two Brewton male descendants who descend from George Brewton of Spartanburgh District, SC, to take the test, one each from a different son of George. This aim eliminates the small probability of non-paternity issues (adoption, etc.) that may skew the data results.
•PRIVACY: We will follow FamilyTreeDNA’s privacy and confidentiality policy. When we post test results, we will not disclose the test kit number matched with your name.
•REPORTING: After insuring that your privacy is protected, we will not delay in posting any Bruton/Brewton group reports that are completed.