
The Bunch Y-DNA Surname Project
  • 179 members

About us

THE BUNCH Y-DNA PROJECT and other DNA surname studies are based on y-chromosome DNA, which is possessed only by males.  It is passed from fathers to sons virtually unchanged over hundreds of years, normally following the same genealogical lines followed by surnames.  Direct participants in DNA surname studies must necessarily be males, and most participants in this project will carry the Bunch surname (or a close variant of it).

NOTE TO THE LADIES:  If you have a Bunch father, brother, nephew, uncle or male cousin who has at least a slight interest in genealogy, we would be delighted to have your assistance enlisting them in our research.  The founders of the project were two women who each enlisted a Bunch-surnamed male relative.  We are also very aware how much our research can benefit from your interest and genealogical knowledge, regardless of whether you have a cooperative male Bunch relative handy.  In case you don't, we invite you to join our efforts anyway, as an mtDNA or Family Finder "observer," or simply as someone who checks in on or progress from time to time.  Contact our project administrator to be added to the mailing list for updates.

The Bunch Y-DNA Project is a Worldfamilies.net project. Please also visit www.worldfamilies.net/surnames/bunch
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