St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


  • 21 members

About us

The overall goals of the Carbaugh-Kerbaugh Family Project:

·       Find out more about the family lineages thru DNA

·       Help each other sort out individual family trees and break through brick walls.

·       To learn whether all of the branches are ultimately part of one tree or several, through the sharing of information and research.

We aren't going to promise to solve all the brick walls.We just want to give all of us a place to explore them from different perspectives, share our thoughts, compare research notes and possible conclusions and then try to connect the dots.

We have also undertaken a One Name Study. You can find it here: 

More people and families will be added as time allows.  Additional documented information is appreciated!

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