Carrico / Carico / Carriço / etc.

Y-DNA Surname Project
  • 52 members

About us

Carrico descendants, male and female, are welcome to join the Carrico project. All USA Carrico families are presumably descended from “Peter Curricoe,” who was transported into Maryland in 1674 by “Samuell Dobson of Charles County,” based on the preponderance of historical records and DNA matching. The scarcity of early Maryland, Virginia and Kentucky records has hampered the ability of many Carrico descendants to know their specific line of descent from Peter Carrico, the 1674 immigrant.

Carrico project members must set Project Preferences to "Limited" or "Advanced" to participate in the Carrico Project. "Limited" is the FTDNA’s default setting recommendation and is designed to allow project admins the access needed to serve you and manage the project. Selecting “Advanced” will future-proof your kit, allowing future admins to order upgrades, facilitating valuable research. Kits with Project Preference set to “Minimum” may be removed from the project as Administrators cannot view or interpret results.
The Carrico project accepts three types of DNA: Family Finder autosomal DNA, YDNA and mtDNA:

• Family Finder atDNA is available to female and male Carrico descendants and is the best type of DNA to reconstruct Carrico lineages back to the mid-1700s.

• YDNA is available to males with the Carrico surname (or Carrico in the paternal line, in the case of non-paternity events). YDNA is most effective in reconstructing Carrico family branches prior to the mid-1700s. The Big Y 700 test is strongly recommended as it provides direct evidence of family branches.

• Mitochondrial DNA (“mtDNA”) is available to females and males with a Carrico female in their direct female/maternal lineage. mtDNA is especially helpful since far fewer records of females exist in the USA prior to the 20th century.

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