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Male Carson DNA Project participants doing a YDNA test with Family Tree DNA will see their YDNA results posted on the table along with those of other Carson DNA Project participants. Each test participant is asked to post his most distant paternal ancestor (father's father's father etc., direct paternal as far back as known) in the profile. Participants are also asked to upload a GEDCOM version of their family trees as part of their profiles so that other project participants can compare with other matches.
When there are three or more closely matching YDNA results at 37 or higher levels with the same surname, they are grouped into paternal lineages.
Results of mtDNA Testing:
The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) test results are accessible to mtDNA test participants on the mtDNA link in their profiles. The mtDNA test comes from the person's direct maternal line (mother's mother's mother etc.). An exact match on the full test may indicate a recent or very deep maternal ancestry link since the mtDNA mutates much more slowly compared to the male YDNA. Each test participant is asked to post his or her most distant maternal ancestor (mother's mother's mother etc., direct paternal as far back as known) in the profile. The results from mtDNA testing are not a focus of the Carson project (it focuses on paternal YDNA).
Results of atDNA Testing:
The Family Finder autosomal DNA (atDNA) test results are accessible to Family Finder test participants on that link in their profiles. The atDNA tests the chromosomes on 23 DNA pairs and compares the results with all other participants doing this test. The report lists people with whom you are related (up to 5th cousin predictions). An atDNA "cousin" match is because the two people matching descend from two siblings (brothers, sisters or brother/sister). This means the chromosome match between matching distant cousins might flow through a series of different surnames as females marry males in subsequent generations.
YDNA results from other labs:
We can post Carson YDNA results from certain other labs on the project site if the person orders a transfer (at a nominal fee) from the Family Tree DNA website.