
  • 284 members

About us

Clan Barclay International is now available on Facebook. 

Members of the Clan Barclay DNA Project are encouraged to provide the project administrator ( with their genealogies. Pedigree charts, group sheets, copies of documentation are accepted electronically in word or pdf format. Please contact before sending a file from a genealogical software program to ensure compatibility.

Hello Barclay ProjectMembers!

Have you added your EarliestKnown Ancestor to your FTDNA account? If not, please do. It is IMPORTANT andEASY!

It is IMPORTANT! Why doesyour Earliest Known Ancestor matter? 

1.You and your close matchescan compare Earliest Known Ancestors and find connections. In my own case, Iwas able to conclude that my paper trail was correct, because I had other closeY-DNA matches reporting the same Earliest Known Ancestor, even though they weredescendent from different sons of that ancestor.

2.When comparing to others inthe Barclay Project, you and others may be able to rule out early relationshipsand lines. For example, some in our line of Barclays thought our Earliest KnownAncestor might be the brother of another certain male Barclay. However, themale ancestors of these two men are in two different haplogroups, and the twomen could not be related genetically. (This does not rule out adoption,infidelity, or some other nonpaternal event, but it does show that these twomen were not related genetically. It is at least as likely as not that theywere from two different families, and it merits further investigation!) 

It is EASY! How do you do it?

1.Log in to your myFTDNAaccount.

2.Under “Your Account,” clickon “Manage Personal Information.” You will find this in orange letters.

3.You will automatically bedirected to “Account Settings.” Click on the tab to the right named“Genealogy.”

4.You will see your FamilyTree Privacy Settings. Click on the subtab to the right of “Family Tree” thatis “Earliest Known Ancestors.”

a.If you have completed aY-DNA test (ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT TO THE BARCLAY PROJECTS), under “DirectPaternal,” choose the Country of Origin if you know it. Then enter the name ofyour Earliest Known Ancestor in your paternal line. Space is limited but try toinclude your ancestor’s first and last name, dates of birth and death, andwhere they were born, lived, and/or died. For example, I entered the following:“Robert Barclay/Barkley b1722/3 d1788 Rowan Co, NC.”

b.If you have completed anmtDNA test, under “Direct Maternal,” choose the Country of Origin if you knowit. Then enter the name of your Earliest Known Ancestor in your maternal line.Space is limited but try to include your ancestor’s first and last name, datesof birth and death, and where they were born, lived, and/or died. For example,I entered the following: “Destramona Bailey b 1800 Ireland d 1845 GA or AL.”

5. Please be sure that your privacy settings allow project members to see your Earliest Known Ancestors. Go to the "Privacy & Sharing" tab (two tabs to the right of "Genealogy"). Next to "My Profile," check the box that says "Share my Earliest Known Ancestor with other people in the projects I've joined" and then click on "Save." Note that you can add an exception for certain projects.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to be in touch: