About us
January 2014: Belinda Dettmann was appointed as Co-Administrator of the Clendenin DNA Project. Grouping has begun but is not yet complete. mtDNA results are now shown.
2011: Mike Walsh took over as interim Administrator of the project. SNP results are now shown.
12 Jan 2010: A new SNP labelled L193 was added to the Y-DNA tree in the ISOGG list, and the largest group of R1b Clendenins has since been found to be positive for L193 (currently described as R1b1a2a1a1b4g by FTDNA).
October 2008: Death of the Administrator, Sharon Bryant, our enthusiastic and capable researcher into the history of the Clendenin/Glendenning name.
2006: New Zealand geneticist John McEwen identified a number of subgroups within the R1b subclade, one of which he called R1bSTR10 (the Clendenin group). He described it thus: Most of these matches are to lowland Scotland and in fact the Clendenin group. These are in the R1bSTR10 “cluster” in my terms. This group makes up 6% of Scottish R1b and in fact is the third largest group.
2004: The Clendenin/Clendenning Project started.