
Coate/Coates/Coats/Cootes/Cote/Cotes/Coutts Y-DNA and Family Finder Group
  • 275 members

About us

This is the DNA Project for Coat, Coate, Coates, Coats, Cote, Cotes and Couts using today's science to connect cousins to help sort out the past! 

If you are male and your surname is Coat/e/s, please start with YDNA testing to focus your research at a minimum of 37 points. A 67 or 111 point test is naturally better.  The very best test for males, is the Big Y test. It now automatically includes the 111 point test and a 700 point test called the Big-Y. It will show you how one descends back through ancestors labeled with a code name back for hundred's of thousands of years. That means we can tell who our common ancestor is between our distant cousins even if the only name we know him by is a standardized code name. The Big Y test has helped people refine who their common ancestor is, up to 12 generations closer than with the 37 point test. It is valuable tool for the serious researcher! The Y-DNA admin, Linda Coate, will be able to help you learn much from this test.

If you are female, did you know you can pay for a test for one of your male family members with your maiden name to benefit from the YDNA Coats' project? 

Family Finder (autosomal)
If you've been researching your Coate, Coates, Coats family *forever* and haven't found that elusive ancestor, then also take a Family Finder Test.  The Family Finder test works if you are female or male to study all of your ancestral lines.  It's good for proving ancestors up to about 8 generations back, whereas, YDNA will prove them back to the beginning of historical documentation.  The Family Finder test will also tell you your cultural make-up genetically. We recommend both because the truth is found when both tests lead one to the same conclusions.  

Family Tree DNA is the original company to develop genetic genealogy and they know what they are doing.  You will have total control over your privacy.   The more answers you say YES to in the privacy settings, the more information will be available to you to study your relationships to cousins.   It also enables the administrators to be of greater assistance to you.  
We look forward to your participation!   Join here.