About us
Updated 28 Aug 2023:
Click on "RESULTS" tab for important updates!
We congratulate all of you who have made giant leaps in the validation of your ancestry and research through the science of Y-DNA. For those of you whose results have produced no matches yet, please remember that your markers have been established and will be there as benchmarks for those who continue to join the process. Your test results will be available for decades to come! At least you know where NOT to look for clues and that, in itself, is a very important step in one's research. FTDNA has a new "tip" report that participants can access. Go to your personal FTDNA page and click on "Y-DNA MATCHES". Scroll down to the bottom and click on the "wrench" icons beside the names of the people you match. FTDNA will calculate the percentages for your match with that person.
I also suggest you opt to share your markers with others who have tested through other labs. Go to https://www.gedmatch.com/.
We still need more CONN participants from both the US, Scotland, Ireland and England. Anyone interested?
Click on "RESULTS" tab for important updates!
We congratulate all of you who have made giant leaps in the validation of your ancestry and research through the science of Y-DNA. For those of you whose results have produced no matches yet, please remember that your markers have been established and will be there as benchmarks for those who continue to join the process. Your test results will be available for decades to come! At least you know where NOT to look for clues and that, in itself, is a very important step in one's research. FTDNA has a new "tip" report that participants can access. Go to your personal FTDNA page and click on "Y-DNA MATCHES". Scroll down to the bottom and click on the "wrench" icons beside the names of the people you match. FTDNA will calculate the percentages for your match with that person.
I also suggest you opt to share your markers with others who have tested through other labs. Go to https://www.gedmatch.com/.
We still need more CONN participants from both the US, Scotland, Ireland and England. Anyone interested?