Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


  • 54 members

About us

The primary goal is to support and supplement the work of persons researching Courtright family relationships by using DNA measurement comparisons to help confirm paternal links and to define separate branchs of the family tree. While each project member has their own personal research goals, the general mission of the Courtright Surname DNA Project includes: Use comparisons of 25 and 37-marker analyses of Y chromosomes to sort which Courtright, Kortright, Cortright, Cutwright, and other variant surname family lines are connected. Significantly matching test results at the 12-marker level might indicate some connection or lack of connection, but 37 markers are much more definitive in confirming relationships. . Seek 37-marker upgrades as appropriate if existing 12-marker DNA analyses and traditional family tree information indicate a probable family relationship and sharing of a common ancestor. The higher number of markers evaluated increases the chances of a better definition of the relationship and locating the Most Recent Common Ancestor in a more contemporary time frame. Our experience todate suggests that any relatively fine distinction between Courtright/Lowe family lines requires Y-37 level of analysis as diffinitive variations have only been noted at the 26th, 35th. 36th and 37th loci. Input member DNA test results to , a research web site designed to compare very large numbers of Y chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) research results from all sources able to participate. This provides the largest number of potential Y-DNA comparisons, thereby increasing the chances of complete and near matches regardless of surname, service provider or presumed family branches or connections. Encourage representatives from all known Courtright and variant surname family lines including Lowe, Michielsen and Reyersen to participate by submitting 25 and 37-marker test results. Representatives of lines residing in Europe, the Caribbean, South America, Mexico , Canada or elsewhere in the world are also welcome to submit DNA swabbings for analysis as participating members of the Courtright Project. Work in concert with members and family researchers to study early family information and discuss research strategies in the interest of advancing the general knowledge of our family lines in the Americas and in ancestral countries or regions of origin. _______________________________________________________________________ General Administrative Notes & Policies: The COURTRIGHT Surname DNA Project works in conjunction with Family Tree DNA – Genealogy by Genetics, Ltd. of Houston, Texas as our primary test and report services. Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) is the largest company providing DNA research for genealogy purposes and offers a broad range of test and support services. FTDNA works jointly with respected laboratories in Arizona for all actual DNA testing. All members of the COURTRIGHT DNA Project are strongly encouraged to review “Family Tree DNA FAQ” (Frequently Asked Questions) and related FTDNA reference materials and tutorials , then to develop you own personal goals and expectations. As with most endeavors, individual family research accomplishments will vary. A Courtright DNA Project Consent Form is required to assure that the DNA Donor is aware of group and individual needs to share test results. The Consent Form must be signed by the person who actually provides the DNA swabbings for analysis. Project members are expected to clearly identify their earliest confidently known surname ancestor. They are also asked to provide a descendant or pedigree chart showing the known father to son relationships from current DNA testee to the earliest known or “Most Distant Ancestor,” with identifying data such as birth and death dates.The family line will be identified by the name of the person providing the DNA samples or a selected ancestor. As with all family research, DNA based research requires a balance between sharing early family histories for research purposes while protecting personal privacy for living persons.This genealogy project is a group endeavor that needs a reasonable sharing of family histories so as to multiply our individual effectiveness, but every participant should also be very sensitive to the personal privacy of living persons. When two or more DNA results match significantly, it is anticipated that a comparison of the descendant or pedigree charts will match at some point and identify the “Most Recent Common Ancestor,” an ancestor shared by the participating testees. FTDNA will automatically notify all matching individuals of the identity and contact addresses of their counterparts so they might contact each other and exchange information. Ysearch offers a similar service so that matching participants can contact each other. Women often participate in promoting and utilizing the results of these Y-chromosome male based genealogical studies, by recruiting fathers, brothers, sons and uncles to be the testees for their families. Women also sponsor tests covering all or part of the test fees for the testees they recruit and become the active member of the project . If a sponsoring person contributes a portion of a DNA test kit processing fee or refinement by increasing the test markers to 25 or 37 , she or he is also entitled to share in the results of the sponsored tests. We will try to present test data in simple and generalized terms that are understood by novice genealogical researchers. Some researchers might also wish to test for Mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) and links to their various maternal lines and are encouraged to do so. We will assist where we can and make any surname project group pricing discounts available, but it is not an integral part of surname Y-chromosome DNA projects per se. All Courtright and variant surnamed persons including Michiels and Reyers are welcome to join the Courtright Surname DNA Project. Membership and eligibility for reduced group pricing is effective with approval of a request to join and submission of a descendant or pedigree chart and a Consent Form signed by testee snail mailed to Bob Burrier, 1216 Smith Avenue, Royal Oak, MI 48073. The request to join the group may be emailed to: We would particularly recommend Courtright Family History & Genealogy" hosted by Marvin Courtright for family historical information as well as for all the links to other relevant websites. For additional information on the process of obtaining DNA swabbings, please check out the Dorsey website and click on "Collecting Your Own DNA" for good explanations of DNA sampling, what is involved in the process and some success stories. For a better understanding of the DNA Project hows, whys and whens, Family Tree DNA offers several excellent tutorials at Family Tree DNA Tutorials I would also suggest clicking into Genetics 101 by Kerchner at the bottom of the list of tutorials. He is a well experienced independent genealogist in the traditional mode and on top of the DNA related genealogy. His site offers many more recommended readings and the hyperlinks to get there.