Holiday Sale: Discounts on  Family FinderY-DNA, mtDNA, & All  Bundles! Extended through Jan 6th.


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A James Crumley descendant has been kind enough to have his deep ancestry tested and this test is representative of all of the James Crumley line. While this isn't particularly useful from a genealogy perspective, it is most interesting from an anthropology perspective. In this case, anthropology is defined as the migration of people before the advent of last names.

I did a quick analysis of his results, and I'm sending them on to the list with his permission. I added some new links as well (so Larry, read this too).

This Crumley line is in the haplogroup, or clan, called I1b2a, formerly called both I2 and I1c. This may be somewhat confusing, but Family Tree DNA
(ftdna) for very good reasons is still using the YCC haplotree, but at ISOGG we have gone ahead and incorporated the newer terminology that we anticipate will be accepted by the YCC at their next meeting whenever that might be.

Here is the Y-SNP tree - to summarize for you, the snps you do and don't have show that you are I1b2a because you have the M223 SNP. You have not been tested for the downstream SNPs that could further define you. Not all of these are offered as part of a package. Recently FTDNA has begun offering boutique testing for specific snps.

I need to read up to figure more. I do recall that there is a specific snp that would tell us if our specific flavor of the haplogroup originated in England or overseas. It's all a matter of timing of course, because we came from someplace in western Europe before England.

Here is a great paper about the I haplogroup and it has a nice distribution map of I1b2 in it.

Anyway, this is what we know about it, without further testing of some of the other SNPS that might isolate the location further.

This haplogroup originated in Europe. We know that our forefather overwintered the last ice age, the glacial maximum, in the Iberian peninsula, as the ice prevented migration further north and to the Mediterranean. This haplogroup is not found elsewhere in the world. It probably originated in the Iberian/Baltic area and the haplogroup as a whole is not highly populous today. This is a good thing for us as it eliminates spurious matches. However, it also means it gets less press and research that the larger groups.

Here's a nice link to the Iberian peninsula.

And here's the wikipedia entry for the Iberian Peninsula.

And some interesting history.

Remember, we were there 10,000 to 12,000 years ago during the last ice age, so our anthropological cousins are still there today and our ancestors may have been there when these historical events were occurring. We don't know when our ancestors migrated to Great Britain. Many people that were not Anglo, Celtic or Viking came with the Roman Armys, some as slaves or mercenaries, during the Roman occupations.