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April 19, 2023

Based on new Big Y matches, FTDNA updated the Cude terminal Haplogroup of I-FGC76048 to include a sub-branch of FTD13663.  This creates a distinction between our older English cousins (Coumbe) and our more recent American cousins (Jackson, Allred, Farrow)

At present, we have no additional information on Farrow.

February 3, 2023

The Cude Project was notified of a yDNA-111 match to Joseph Grand Allred.  This confirms previous matches to members of the Allred Family of Randolph County, North Carolina.  Mr. Allred agreed to upgrade his test to a Big Y.  The strong match was confirmed with a likely TMRCA of 1750.

Joseph Allred descends from a Catherine Allred and an illegitimate son John C.  This branch of "Mystery" Allreds (They do not match the rest of the Allred family R-Haplogroup) is descended from Timothy Cude or more likely one of his sons William or John.

John Cude is the most likely father of John C (Cude?) Allred.

January 19, 2022

The Cude Project was notified of a yDNA-111 match to Tristan Coumbe.  This was an important match for us.  Tristan had a well researched pedigree that stretches back to the Linkinhorne, North Hill, St. Keyne area of Cornwall, England.

Tristan agreed to upgrade his test to the BigY.  The strong match was confirmed.  This provides a convincing link between the American Cudes and the English Coumbe family in Cornwall near the Devon border.  Research for the missing link is ongoing. 

June 2021

The Cude Project launched a yDNA research project among English Cudes.  Almost 100 modern Cude males were identified and solicited for yDNA testing.  Nine agreed to test.  The yDNA testing proved conclusively that the English Cude family is NOT paternally related to the American Cudes.

The Cudd family was also solicited.  Two Cudd males agreed to test.  They were also NOT a match to the American Cudes.  Both the English Cudes and Cudds were R-Haplogroup similar to the Coads and Coodes of Cornwall.  

May 2020

A Robert Cude was discovered in a legal document regarding a property dispute in 1270 AD.  The property was located in Chiselborough, Somerset.  This is only 25 miles from the Ms. Hathaway's ancestor, Robert Cude (b1809).

April 2020

Wm J. Cude III received a Autosomal DNA Match with a Tracy Hathaway in the U.K.  The match appears to be through a Georgiana Cude and her father Robert Cude.  Robert Cude was born 1809 in Hockworthy, Devon, England.  This is the first DNA match of any type with the surname Cude in England.  It is within 15 miles of Cheriton Fitzpaine, Devon, identified in February 2017 by Dr. Tyronne Bowes as the Cude Genetic Homeland.

March 30, 2020

Maria Cude Oliver of Barcelona, Spain located a Perrine Cude in a County of Anjou census record from 1286 AD.  This is by far the oldest record of the Cude surname found.

April 21, 2018

Project Administrator Note:  We continue to see a close STR match to Allred and Russell - 36/37 markers.  This also implies a common ancestor approximately 200+ years ago.  All current paper trails lead to or through Orange/Guilford/Randolph Counties, North Carolina between 1750 and 1800 +/-. 

April 16, 2018

Family Tree DNA has updated the Cude and Jackson Big-Y test results to reflect a Terminal SNP of FGC76048.  Thus, our complete SNP Tree now appears as  

        M170 > M253 > DF29 > Y2592 > CTS6364 > S4795 > FGC20030 > A5338 > A5339 > L1275 > A8198 > FGC76048.  

Y-Full has also updated its Family Tree to reflect our new Terminal SNP.      

April 1, 2018

Robert Jackson received his Big-Y results.  The Cudes and this branch of the Jackson family are confirmed as a very close match.  TMRCA circa 1675-1775. 

September 6, 2017

1)   William J Cude received his Big Y test results on September 6, 2017.  These results were updated November 9,2017.  The test did, in fact, confirm our Cude Genetic Tree continuing from CTS6364 to:  CTS6364 > S4795 > Y3866 > A5338 > A5339 > L1275 > A8198.

This additional testing confirmed a distant ancestor with the Britton and Bronson family (1200 – 1400 years ago) and added further support for a Scandinavian (Norway/Sweden) family origin with an English branch.     


February 13, 2017

In January,2017, Dr. Tyrone Bowes of English Origenes was engaged to locate the Cude Paternal Genetic Homeland.  On February 13, 2017, he submitted his report.  Dr.Bowes uses a unique methodology he developed that combines yDNA test results with census data and local demographic information to identify his study subject’s likely genetic homeland.  In effect, he looks for the Cude “Adam” - the location of the first ancestor to use the surname Cude.  According to Dr Bowes, “The test subject’s Y-DNA results reveal that his paternal ancestor left Southern Sweden between 800 and 1000 AD and settled in Devon in Southwest England where his paternal ancestor subsequently acquired the Cude surname.” (or a version thereof)  Per Dr. Bowes,  Cheriton Fitzpaine, Crediton, and Tiverton, Devon would be ground zero for our Cude “Adam” in England.  This is 9 miles north of Exeter.  Britton, Bronson, and Jackson were identified as distant relatives from this area. 

We are just getting started and encourage you to join us in our discoveries.