Dal Cuinn Teóra Connachta and the Uí Néill

R1b-DF104 and R1b-DF105
  • 1848 members

About us

The Y-DNA results that we have seen so far indicate that the Dal Cuinn R1b-DF104 and DF105 phylogenetic nodes are the starting clades (Y-haplogroup) of our research. The median age estimate for R1b-DF104 places it ~36 AD. The conclusion to start with the R1b-DF104 clade is based on the numerous Connachta surnames in the publicly available R1b-DF104+ test results that genetically correlate with the historical Irish genealogies and annals for the most part. As of May 2019 AD, there are almost 1200 known R1b-DF104+ men.

This assumption of the R1b-DF104 clade being the starting point does eliminate two dynasties from our research for the most part: the Clan Colla, the descendants of The Three Collas, please visit Peter Biggins’s excellent website for a detailed explanation of the Clan Colla and the Uí Maine;
This region is not as clear cut as the histories have made it. It appears to be a melting pot genetically. So far, ONLY the O’Kellys and O’Maddens are sharing a genetic lineage, and that is not R1b-DF104+. Most of the other so-called Uí Maine families seem to be showing up as R1b-A1206 (Uí Fiachrach Aidne) and R1b-FGC5939 (Uí Briúin Seóla). So the Uí Maine seem to have been more of a confederation or political alliance rather than a dynastic group. Essentially, both of these kindred groups split off from the lineage long before DF104 existed. Y-DNA test results show they split off before the R1b-M222 phylogenetic node occurred, which is estimated to have happened as early as ~554 BC, with a median time frame of ~139 BC.
We solicit the participation of all R1b-DF104+ men, as well as anyone who is interested in our research. Through our efforts, we are constantly expanding the R1b-DF104 clade as our genetic testing data and knowledge grow. Thank you for visiting our website and we hope to see you in our discussions and genetic testing activities.

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