Private Project

  • 10 members

About us

THE PROJECT SURNAMES ARE THE PATERNAL AND MATERNAL SIDE OF EACH FAMILY MEMBER OF JIM DALEY, THAT TESTED. YOU MIGHT BE CONNECTING WITH ONE OF THEM AND NOT JIM DALEY. IF YOU THINK YOU MIGHT HAVE A CONNECTION WITH JIM DALEY PLEASE CONTACT US TO JOIN. Our story, is to find a father's true surname, and his family. He was known to us, as Jim Daley b: 27 Jan 1872,1877,1892, or 1899 d: 1970. According to social security record, he was john James Daley b: 27 Jan 1872, fathers name: Charles Daley, mothers name: Mary James. He was born on Navajo reservation. According to Choctaw Indian medical records, they refer to him as Mr. Daley and Mr. Davis. His birth years were 1872 and 1892. Fathers name, Charley Daley, Mothers name, Anna Chubbee. According to other medical records, He was adopted when he was 5, no known information on family. He had two tattoos, one above each knee, unknown type of tattoo. On March 27, 1932 is about the time when he married Ellie Virginia Smith. Her brother, Leland Smith was a witness to the marriage, and said that Jim Daley went by the name of Chief Red Moore, after the couple dropped Leland off at home, the couple then vanish for 28 years, Ellie's brothers looked for her under several alias, and finally found her in Panama, Oklahoma with Jim Daley, whom the brother's all believed was the same man she married in 1932.