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The modal haplotype of Michel de Foresthas been deducted from the number of common DNA marker scores of those claiming to be descendants from the Acadian Michel (de) Forest. The YDNA results are: 18 men tested at this time
13 25 14 11 11 15 12 12 12 13 13 29 19 9 10 11 11 25 14 19 30 15 15 17 18 11 1019 23 16 15 19 17 34 36 12 12 (37 markers)
The DNA signature of claimed documented descendants of Jesse DeForest through his son Isaac can be found on www.ysearch.org under the user ID YXX4Z. Go to the above site and do a surname search for Deforest or Deforrest. This willbring up the participant's results. Click on the appropriate user ID to obtain the entire result.
The first 25 markers are:
13 24 14 11 11 17 12 12 12 13 13 29 16 9 9 11 11 26 14 20 29 15 15 17 18 10
Who do you match?
8 results are now available for descendants of Jesse showing a different DNA signature compare to Michel the Acadian fOREST. Kit # are: 862566, 116680, 227594, 4H6KV, R35QT, YXX4Z, 526061 and KSDANC.
As we can see from these results, the modal haplotype of the descendants of Michel Forest Acadian are nowhere near the descendants of Jesse de Forest. So the Acadian Forest are not closely related to Jesse de Forest family.
According to latest tests, the Forest from Acadia are part of the North-SouthCluster...R-P312 and the only ones testing with 14-19-10 at position DYS 437,DYS 448, and DYS H4 according to Henry Zender administrator of the R-P312 and Subclades Project. According to the latest SNP test (Z220+, Z196+, Z209+ and negative for Z218-, Z216-, Z214- ).
It is increasingly apparent that the more recent origins of the Forest from Acadia is likely more centered toward the British Iskand and the North region of France not excluding Spain and Portugal
Further SNP test from the Forest from Acadian 2020 determine our current classification to be R-M269…and more results to come in the coming months.