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Dimonds of Newfoundland, New England / New York, and Devon
  • 16 members

About us


Marilyn Pilkington

Administrator: Dimond of Newfoundland, New York / New England, Devon Project (I-Z140 Lineage); Dymond of Hudson's River Study Project; Collins of Newfoundland and Labrador Project

Steve Dimond
Edward Dymen (Dimond) lineage in total. New York and Pennsylvania branches focus
Genetics and genetic genealogy
Administrator: Dymond of Hudson River Study Project; Algonquian East-West Project: Diamond Surname Project; Dimond of Newfoundland, New York / New England, Devon Project 

Marilyn Wheadon
Co-Administrator: Dimond of Newfoundland, New York / New England, Devon Project (I-Z140 Lineage)


Devon, Newfoundland, New England and the Transatlantic Trade

Newfoundland has a long history with both South West England (the West Country) and the eastern seaboard of the United States, with the former British colony once boasting the richest cod fishing grounds in the world. From the 1600s onwards, generations of New Englanders and West Countrymen made the annual trek to the New Founde Lande for a season’s catch. Others made their living plying the established trade routes, dropping off supplies and picking up fish, in general bringing Newfoundland’s highest grades to such lucrative markets as Portugal and Spain, while delivering its lower grades to Brazil and the West Indies. 

Dimonds and Halls from Dartmouth and surrounding areas were making the seasonal voyage to Newfoundland from as early as 1642, and possibly even before then. In that year, Anthony Dymont, Walter Dymon, Walter Demont, David Hall, and Christopher Halls, among others, engaged in the Newfoundland fisheries. What is interesting is that both Walter Dymon (born 1618) and Anthony Dymont (born 1626) were sons of Anthony Diment of St. Petrox parish in Dartmouth, where John Dimond, later of Kittery, Maine, was born to parents unknown around 1610 or 1612. 

John Dimond was a resident of Kittery by the early 1640s. His family—boat builders, seafarers, and fisherman—are also believed to have engaged in the Newfoundland fishery. Certainly ties between Kittery and Newfoundland were strong during the early years of colonization. John Treworgie, an agent at the Kittery trading post from 1635 to 1650 and the son-in-law of Alexander Shapleigh (a Devonshire merchant and fisheries owner who founded Kittery and fished out of Newfoundland for years), was one of a party of six sent to Newfoundland to administer the fishery and to collect taxes on fish and oil from foreign fishermen. He stayed on and was named governor, with orders to enforce taxation and fortify the Newfoundland colony. Sir William Pepperell, an Anglo-American soldier who led American colonists in the capture of the fortress of Louisbourg in 1745, was another Kittery resident (and native, having been born there in 1796) with a significant connection to Newfoundland: he headed his family’s business, which counted among its inventory some 30 or 35 vessels that shuttled back and forth from Kittery to Newfoundland, bringing on their return lumber and fish, which they then ferried to outbound markets in the West Indies, Portugal, and Spain.

Another early New England family with fairly significant ties to Newfoundland, and possibly to Devon as well, was that of Edward Dimond of Marblehead, Massachusetts. (Possibly of interest is the observation that the name Edward Dimont is found running through the family of Anthony Diment, noted above.)  Housed in the Maritime History Archive at St. John’s, Newfoundland, are a number of records detailing the trade between Newfoundland and Massachusetts in the early centuries of colonization. One of these records is the fishing account books (1658‑1672) of George Curwen, a prominent Salem merchant, who supplied fishermen at Salem and Marblehead for the Newfoundland fishery. In 1663 one of the entries relates to Edward Diamond (of Marblehead), whom Curwen outfitted with such sundries as soup plates, stockings, “woolmill mittings”, salt, gloves, hooks, and a knife. Almost a century later, Capt John Diamond of Marblehead was engaged in the transatlantic trade, captaining the schooner Susannah, Eunice, and Neptune out of Marblehead, passing through Newfoundland enroute to foreign ports. 

Other Dimonds from Massachusetts, who may or may not have been related to the Marblehead family, were also involved in the Newfoundland trade, either as fishermen or mariners. Joseph Diman of Salem, Jeames Dimon of Gloucester, and John Diamont of Danvers were all outfitted, in 1756,1759, and 1773, respectively, by William and Benjamin Knight, shoremen from Marblehead, who were themselves involved in the deep sea cod fishery. On the mariner side, Captains George Dymond and John Diamond are also on record as piloting ships out of Boston, bound to Cadiz but passing through Newfoundland, in the mid-eighteenth century. 

In addition, there was an eighteenth century Dimond family in Boston that warrants further scrutiny. The first glimpse of this family is through Peter Dimond, mariner, who travels from Newfoundland to Boston on September 20, 1716, in the company of twenty other mariners, many of whom had surnames found in Exeter at the time. Many of those listed on passenger lists were not emigrants deserting the Newfoundland fishing settlements but were masters and crews of New England vessels that had been sold at the island. (  Given Peter’s profession and the company he is keeping, it’s most likely he falls into the latter category.

Attempts to uncover further information about Peter have been hampered by the scarcity of records relating to early Boston. The report of the Boston record commissioners (1898) suggested that the deficiencies in Boston’s official records may reflect a shortfall of recorded eighteen century births and deaths of as much as seventy‑five percent.

Despite the lack of records, Peter Dimond is a name that occurs in Boston in successive generations. To wit:  Peter Diamond, seaman, on the ship Alfred during the Revolutionary War – 1776 1777.

  • Peter Dimond of Boston, owner of Industry, a 67-ton schooner, built in Massachusetts in 1786.  Departed Charleston on March 23, 1799, for Martinique with corn, staves, shooks, lumber, and shingles. Seized on April 28 by the French privateer La Sirene and taken to Guadeloupe where vessel and cargo apparently were condemned.  (The French assault on American ships)
  • Peter Dimond of Boston, merchant, who died at Cape Francois (Haiti) in June 1802, age 33 years.
  • Peter Dimond, master, of Comet, snow [a sailing vessel, a type of brig]. Departed Baltimore for La Guaira in 1806.  Seized by a French vessel and recaptured by the British on November 16. Delaware Insurance of Philadelphia filed a claim in 1826 against France for $9,037.94, paid to James Craig. (The French assault on American ships)
(It should be noted that “Peter Dimond” is a name that has significance to the families covered under this research project. While “Peter + Dimond” is not a particularly common combination, the name “Peter” (as well as “George”) occurs frequently in both the New York and Newfoundland D*monds of the 18th and 19th centuries.)

The Newfoundland Branch

Adam’s Cove

ADAMS COVE -  A fishing settlement in the district of Bay de Verds. Distant from Carbonear 13 miles by road. Mail Weekly. Population 360. (Lovell’s Directory, 1871)

The first documented Dimond settler in Newfoundland was William Dimond (c 1753‑1840), who, in 1773, cleared out of the woods a plot of land measuring 30 yards from south to north and 25 yards from east to west in Adam’s Cove, a tiny fishing community in the Conception Bay area.  His claim first appears in the Plantation Records of 1805, at which time an accounting was made of all fishing rooms, wharves, beaches, flakes, etc., within 200 yards from the high water mark, with the claims being backdated to when they first arose. 
Records before 1800 are very sparse, but piecing together what is available suggests that William arrived as part of a family unit.  Early records show that a John Dimond, planter, died at Adam’s Cove at the age of 56 on October 10, 1779 (six years after William staked his claim).  They also show an Ann Dimond and her son Robert1 living in Adam’s Cove in 1794, at which time they mortgaged, for 132 pounds, their fishing room—property that bordered on land owned and mortgaged by William in 17952.  A year later, in 1796, Ann’s property formed part of the holdings of William Dimond & Co.3 Moreover, the property was  noted as having been “bequeathed by mother’s Will”, which suggests that Ann, who was clearly the owner of the property in 1794, had died.  It can therefore safely be said that pre-1800 Diamond adults in Adam’s Cove consisted of at least John, Ann, William, and Robert and that they most likely represented two different generations.  (Certainly, at least, Robert was Ann’s son.) 
The plantation records also provide a clue as to the size of the Dimond family by 1796.  Significantly, one of the two holdings claimed in the name of William Dimond & Co., an area 50 yards from south to north, 194 yards from the high water mark to the west, contained one stage, one flake, seven houses, three gardens, and one meadow.  Judging from the number of houses, it seems there were more family members than early records would indicate.
A few decades later, the 1832 voters list (which enumerated male British subjects who were at least 21 years old and had lived on the island as tenants or property owners for at least one full year before the election took place) provides further insight into the early Diamond inhabitants.  Listed for Adam’s Cove:

  • John Diamond, Sr.
  • John Diamond, Jr.
  • Robert Diamond
  • Peter Diamond
  • William Diamond
  • John Diamond (of Robert)
It is not known where the Adam’s Cove Dimonds lived before settling in Newfoundland, though Y-DNA analysis to date suggests it was likely either Devon or Devon via New England.  It is also not known when they came. William’s personal claim dates from 1773, two years before the American Revolution, but it cannot be ascertained with any degree of accuracy that this represents time of first settlement. There is the possibility that William was already resident in Newfoundland by 1773 and, having attained the age of majority in that year, carved out the plot of land to become a property owner in his own right.

William died on January 22, 1840, at the respectable age of 87. His wife, Mary, had predeceased him a number of years earlier, on May 23, 1815, after having taken ill at the funeral of Mr. Evans, one of their neighbours and friends. In his will, William generously remembered a daughter and grandchildren, and then left the remainder of his estate to his son Peter (c. 1790-1864).4 Last Will and Testament of William Dimond, of Adam's Cove:
Endnotes (Adam’s Cove)
1 Robert married Jane Evans. There is a reference in the diary of the Rev John Lewis, Wesleyan Missionary to Conception Bay (1814-1817), dated July 16 1815, to Robt Dimont, “husband of Jane Evans, whose child was very sick.” 
2 William’s mortgage was to secure a debt in the amount of 111 pounds, 4 shillings, with George Kemp and James Kemp of the Town and County of Poole, Merchants, as a result of his dealings with them or their factors or agents at Carbonear on account of “received goods, wares, and merchandise” and “which debt he is at present unable to pay off or discharge”—dated April 27, 1795.
3 In 1816 Robert Dimond sold to Dennis Dunn of Broad Cove “Two fishing rooms and plantations situate in the aforesaid Adam’s Cove, the one occupied in the fishery and cultivation and the other called the lower room in cultivation only.  The occupied fishing room is bounded on the north east by William Dimond’s premises and on the west and southwest by a fishing room and plantation held and occupied at present by Michael Cahill.  The unoccupied room is bounded on the west and southwest by Nicholas Martin’s premises.”  This seems to be the property that Ann and Robert mortgaged in 1794 and which was folded into William Dimond & Co.’s holdings in 1796.  Robert sold the occupied fishing room for 160 pounds sterling and the unoccupied room for 25 pounds sterling.  In addition, he sold two small skiffs and their craft valued at 10 pounds sterling. 
4 Besides their son Peter, other children of William and Mary included at least four daughters:  Mary LeGrow, Anne Gill, Hannah Martin, and Jane Evans. (Source:  Marilyn Wheadon, Adam’s Cove, NL)

Lower Island Cove

[LOWER] ISLAND COVE (Bay de Verds) - A large fishing settlement on the north shore of Conception Bay in the district of Bay de Verds. This is merely a sheltered beach, which answers as a fishing station during the summer, but affords no security during stormy weather. Farming is carried on to a large extent in conjunction with the fishery. Distant from Carbonear by road 27 miles. Mail weekly. Population 830.

(Lovell’s Directory, 1871)

On November, 18, 1791, eighteen years after William first claimed his land in Adam’s Cove, a Peter Dimond mortgaged his goods and chattels, land and tenements, and “especially a fishing room in Deep Bite Cove near Lower Island Cove” for sixty-six pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to John Thomey & Co. of Harbour Grace.  Some seven years later, in 1798, a Joseph Diamond is also recorded as living at “Island Cove”, when he and his wife, Mary, baptize their daughter Elizabeth.

Neither Peter nor Joseph appears in the plantation records of 1805 for Lower Island Cove and nothing more is known of them.  A George Dimond, however, is listed,1 although he and his wife, Mary, soon also disappear from the landscape, leaving Lower Island Cove to John Dimond (1788-1854) and—for a little while at least—to Nathaniel Dimond2, both of whom are recorded as parents from 1817 onward in Methodist birth records for the community.

While Nathaniel’s tenure was fleeting, John stayed, and with his wife, Grace Snelgrove (c 1787-1883), raised a large family, consisting of three daughters—Sarah (1809), Ann (abt 1831-1898)3, and Eliza (1833-1893)4—and five sons—twins Peter (1817-1874) and James (1817-1887), William (bef 1827), Robert (1827), and Nathan (1836).

In later years, around 1852, Peter, James, and Nathan would move to Russell’s Cove (now known as New Melbourne).  It seems that William and Robert eventually (after 1871) 5 moved on to St. John’s. There have been no Diamonds in Lower Island Cove since at least the 1890s and probably even before then.

Y-DNA has established that the Dimond families of Adam’s Cove and Lower Island Cove are related.

Endnotes (Lower Island Cove)
1 Plantations Book, 1805, Volume 1. Both George and Mary are registered as property owners. Mary’s claim dates from 1803, by a deed of gift from her father; and George’s from 1805, a part of which was from clearing out the woods and a part of which was a gift from Philip Shano. George is registered as the principal occupant of Mary’s property.
2 A child Peter was born to Nathaniel and Jane Diamond on January 1, 1826.
3 Ann died on May 17, 1898, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She never married.
4 Eliza died on April 1, 1893, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  She never married.
5 Both Robert and William appear in the 1871 Lovell’s Directory for Lower Island Cove.


CATALINA - A town of considerable business on north side of Trinity Bay, district of Trinity. It has a fine harbour, though sometimes difficult of access, with a harbour light situated on Green Island. The only noteworthy object in the town is the English church, a fine wooden building. It is a post town and port of entry. Distant from Trinity 20 miles by road, from St. John's by steamer, fortnightly, 60 miles. Fare $5. Mail weekly. Population 1300.  (Lovell’s Directory, 1871)

By all indications, George and Mary Dimond, who were living in Lower Island Cove in 1805, moved north to Catalina, on the Bonavista Peninsula.  A Mary Diamond died there on December 18, 1866, at the age of 91; this would make her of the right age to have been the Mary Dimond recorded in the Plantation Book as owing property in Lower Island Cove in 1803. The Catalina records also note the death of a George Diamond at the age of 65 in the 1800s; although the precise year of death is not legible, he does not appear in death records from 1864 on, which suggests his death occurred before then.

Another early settler was a Nathaniel Diamond, planter, resident in Catalina in 1820.1  It is not known if he is the Nathaniel Diamond who briefly appears in Lower Island Cove records in 1826, although this is possible.

Of note also is a relatively early marriage record of a Peter Diamond of Catalina, who marries Catherine Gould of the same place, on October 13, 1833.  The marriage was witnessed by Robert Diamond.  Furthermore, Peter and Catherine have a son George, born in 1839, who immigrated to Massachusetts and died there in 1907.

In 1864 Hutchinson’s Directory for Catalina lists John Diamond, planter; Peter Diamond, builder; and Robert Diamond Sr, builder.  By the time of Lovell’s 1871 Directory, the Diamonds recorded were Esau, John, Peter, Robert, and Robert Sr.

It has long been believed by Diamond descendants today that the Diamond families of Catalina, Adam’s Cove, and Lower Island Cove are related, possibly originating from the first Diamond settlers in Adam’s Cove. A quick look at early Diamond names in all three communities bolsters this belief: William, John, Robert, Peter, and Nathaniel were common in each community, with George appearing in both Lower Island Cove and Catalina and Thomas appearing in both Adam’s Cove and Catalina. It might also be significant that all three families were Methodist, a religion that was first established in Newfoundland in 1766 and was very much at that time a minority faith.

Further y-DNA testing involving Diamond descendants from Catalina should definitively answer whether in fact they belong to the Adam’s Cove and Lower Island Cove families.

End Notes (Catalina)
1 E.R. Seary (ed. William Kirwin). Family Names of the Island of Newfoundland. Corrected Edition. (McGill-Queen’s University Press: 1998), p.142)

Change Islands

CHANGE ISLANDS - A group of islands, district of Twillingate and Fogo. Distant from Fogo 8 miles. Mail fortnightly. Population 520.  (Lovell’s Directory, 1871)

Another significant group bearing the Diamond surname can be found at Change Islands, Notre Dame Bay, on the north-east coast of Newfoundland.

The first Diamond recorded there was Robert Diment, who appears in the Slade Registers7 for the years 1788-1792. A few decades later, a William Diamond is listed in the 1836 census for Change Islands; his household at that time consisted of:

  • three males under the age of 14;
  • one male aged 14 to 60 (which would have been William himself);
  • three females under the age of 14;
  • one female aged 14 to 60; and
  • one male servant.
Again, the Diamonds who show up in ensuing years in birth, marriage, and death records were Methodists. Further research, including y-DNA testing if possible, needs to be done to see if there is any connection between the Diamonds of Change Islands and those of Adam’s Cove and Lower Island Cove.
End Notes (Change Islands)
1 John Slade (1719-1792) was a merchant, shipowner, and sea captain of Poole, England, who established a fishery supply business (importing and retailing food and general goods; producing, purchasing, and exporting fish, seal-skins, furs and fish oils; and building, purchasing, and running ships in connection with his business) in the Fogo-Twillingate areas of Newfoundland. For many years he kept a register of his employees, the years they worked, and the remuneration they received.

Diamonds Elsewhere in Newfoundland

Like most Newfoundlanders, some of the Diamonds from established communities migrated elsewhere when their home fishing grounds became crowded. Thus, as noted above, you see Peter, James, and Nathaniel Diamond of Lower Island Cove relocating to the other side of the peninsula, to what was then known as Russell’s Cove. Thirty years later, in the mid-1880s, James’ only son John moved to Flat Islands, Placentia Bay, which was hundreds of miles southwest of Russell’s Cove but renowned for its rich fishing grounds. Still others, like John and Aaron Diamond of Change Islands, resettled in remote communities such as Burnt Arm in Notre Dame Bay, while Abijah Diamond and Joshua Diamond from Catalina resettled in a community called Flowers Cove up on the Northern Peninsula.

Today, the name Diamond can mostly be found at Change Islands and St. John’s. The variant “Dymond” is also widespread in St. John’s.

The New York Branch

John Dimond c 1755 – Greenbush, New York

The patriarch of the New York Dymond group was John Dimond of Renssalaer County, who was born by best guess around 1755 to 1760, place unknown. He was living in the Greenbush area by at least January 1785, when his son Henry was baptised at Sand Lake, and maybe before then, judging from the 19th century census returns of his son George (c 1782), who named New York as his birth place.

Most of the early settlers in the Sand Lake / Stephentown area arrived from New England, chiefly from Connecticut and Rhode Island, although some came from Massachusetts too. One early family, the Wheelers, is said to have come to the area from Concord, Massachusetts, via Connecticut. Their migratory path may have particular significance for the I-Z140 group in that there appears to have been a longstanding connection between the Wheelers and the Dimonds. For example, a number of marriages occurred between the Wheeler and Dimond families in New York, Newfoundland, and the Boston area from the very early to late 1800s, and the relationship may have existed long before that.

However, it may be that John didn’t arrive with the regular wave of settlers, but as part of the Continental Army stationed in New York, where he stayed. There is a Revolutionary War record of a John Dimond, Matross, in Capt. Turner Phillips's (8th) company (Col. Thomas Crafts's (Artillery) regiment). He engaged July 25, 1777, was in service for seven days to August 1, 1777, and was on a list of men entitled to a bounty dated at Boston on January 12, 1778. He re-enlisted September 1779 for the duration of the war. He was placed into Capt. Nathaniel Donnell's company (Col. John Crane's (Artillery) regiment), Continental Army, and served at West Point, New York. He gave his residence as Boston and reported to the army as a “foreigner.” It is possible this is the John Dimond who settled at Greenbush.

The biography of John’s great-grandson Frank J. Diamond (through his son Peter) supports that John wasn’t born in the Colonies, as does an account by Elijah Schoolcraft, a son-in-law of John’s son George. In the latter instance, however, Elijah says that George himself was born in England; this of course contradicts the information that George gave on the census returns.

John’s wife Elisabeth may have been Elizabeth Blass, born 1759, the daughter of Anna Gertrude Rockefeller (b 1735)1 and Johann Emerick Blass.

John and Elisabeth had a number of children, including:

  • George (1782-1872), born in New York
  • Henry (Jan 18, 1784 - c 1865), baptised Jan 10, 1785, at Lutheran Church, West Sand Lake—name Henrich Deumont
  • Sarah (Jul 8, 1786), baptised at West Sand Lake
  • Anna (Mar 7, 1788), baptised Jan 16, 1791, at Center Brunswick
  • Peter (1790-1869)
  • William (1796-1858)
  • Maria (Mar 18, 1799), baptised Feb 9, 1800, at Albany
  • Joshua (1801-?)
  • Eva (Apr 12, 1804), baptised Jul 12, 1804, at Center Brunswick
It is possible that another child, John, should be added to this list. In the 1860 census for Stephentown, a John Dimond, aged 62, is living in the household of John Ives Diamond, along with John Ives’s parents, John (aged 54) and Avis (Simpkins) Dimond. (There were three John Dimonds in the household: John Ives (aged 23); his father John (aged 54); and John (aged 62)). John (aged 62) was also born in New York. It is quite likely he was closely related to the members of the household. If he was the son of John and Elizabeth of Greenbush, he would have been uncle to John (aged 54) and grand uncle to John Ives. However, there doesn’t appear to be a place for him in the census information transcribed below.

John of Greenbush appears in the 1790 census (taken August 2) for Rensselaerwick Town, under the name John Demon.  At that time his household comprised:

  • two males under 16 (1774-1790) (George 1782 and Henry 1784)
  • three females (Elizabeth 1756, Sarah 1786, and Anna 1788)
Note that even though his son Peter was born in 1790, Peter wouldn’t have been included on this census return because his birth didn’t occur until November of that year.

In the 1800 census (recorded August 4) John was registered for Greenbush (which was carved out of Rensselaerwick in 1792), this time as John Diman. His family was composed of:

  • two males under 10 (1790-1800) (Peter 1790 and William 1796)
  • one male 10 thru 15 (1785-1790) (Henry 1784)
  • one male 16 thru 25 (1775-1784) (George 1782)
  • one male 45 and over (before 1755) (John, abt 1755)
  • one female under 10 (1790-1800)  (Maria 1799)
  • one female 10 thru 15 (1785-1790) (Anna 1788)
  • one female 16 thru 25 (1775 and 1784) (Sarah 1786?)
  • one female 45 and over (before 1755) (Elizabeth 1756)
John doesn’t appear in the 1810 census for Greenbush, nor in any of the others following, which suggests he had passed on. A John Dimond died intestate in the town of Attica, Genesee County, New York, and letters of administration were granted to his friend Joshua Mitchell on March 11, 1813. If this is the same John, it suggests the family had moved away and then moved back to Sand Lake after John’s death.

In the 1820 census for Sand Lake (which was formed from Greenbush and Berlin in 1812), Elizabeth is now the head of the household, which was described as follows:

  • 1 male less than 10  1810-1820 
  • 1 male 10-15 1805-1810 
  • 1 male 16-25  1796-1804 (Joshua 1801)
  • 1 female 10-15 1805-1810 (Eva 1804?)
  • 1 female more than 45 - Elizabeth
By the 1820s, most of John and Elizabeth’s children had well reached the age of majority and had families of their own, so it is possible that some of the younger children living with Elizabeth were her grandchildren. There are other instances of children belonging to this family living in the homes of extended family members. 

George, who had started his family in Rensselaer County, was living in Canada in 1820, where he resided for a number of years. Henry was married and living in Sand Lake, as was Peter. William’s whereabouts are unknown.

Endnotes (John Dimond)
1 There were two Rockefeller sisters who married a Blass: Elizabeth (b 1729) and Ann Gertrude (b 1735). From 1771 to 1800, Anna Gertrude’s family were members of the Gilead Lutheran Church in Center Brunswick, where some of John Dimond’s children were baptized. If this is the correct family, it could put Elizabeth Blass in Rensselaer County around the time she would have married John Dimond. (Janice Leonard, August 2013)

George Dimond (1782-1872) (son of John 1755) – Rensselaer County, New York; Lower Canada (Quebec); Allegan County, Michigan

George married Hannah Phillips (1782-1861), who was also born in New York.  They lived for a time in Rensselaer County, as evidenced by the birth of their daughter Katherine, who was born on July 11, 1802, and baptised July 30, 1803, at Gilead Evangelical Lutheran Church at Center Brunswick; this is where some of John and Elisabeth’s children had been baptised in the 1790s. By 1809, however, George had moved his family to Stanbridge, Bedford, Quebec, not far from the Canada-US border at Vermont. He lived there for a number of years.

George and Hannah’s children were: 

  • Katherine 1802—born in Rensselaer County, New York
  • Sarah 1804
  • Elizabeth 1806 (baptised 1809 at Anglican Church, Philipsburg, Quebec)
  • John 1808 (born in New York; baptised 1809 at Anglican Church, Philipsburg, Quebec – as an adult, John lives in Stephentown, Rensselaer County, where he raises his family.)
  • Hannah Maria 1810 – born in Canada
  • William 1812 – born in Canada
  • Juliet 1815 – born in Canada
  • Charity 1817 – born in Canada
  • Peter 1821 – born in Canada
  • Joshua Horatio 1822 – born in Canada – married Esther Rushell, who was born in Canada around 1832. Lived in Cooper, Kalamazoo, Michigan up until the 1860s. Called to the draft at the age of 44 (in 1863) to serve in the Civil War. Moved to Kansas after the war. Lived there until at least 1890.
  • Eveline 1824 – born in Canada
George and Hannah’s family are recorded in the 1825 and 1831 censuses for Lower Canada. In 1825, George’s next door neighbour was Cornelius Simpkins—the brother of Avis Simpkins, whom George’s son John (1808) later married and settled down with in Stephentown. It is known that in 1831 (and undoubtedly in 1825 too), George leased his land in Quebec, occupying 207 acres, of which 100 had been improved. His yield for the year consisted of 50 minots (150 bushels) of wheat, 40 minots (120 bushels) of peas, 20 minots (60 bushels) of oats, 100 minots (300 bushels) of rye, 70 minots (210 bushels) of Indian corn, and 50 minots (150 bushels) of potatoes.

By 1840 George and his family were living in Plainfield, Allegan, Michigan.  He is referenced in a 1912 account relating to one of his sons-in-law, Elijah Schoolcraft, who had married his daughter Sarah:

She [Sarah Diamond] was born in Canada where her father, George Diamond, settled upon immigrating to America from England. Subsequently making his way to the wilds of Michigan, Mr. Diamond bought one hundred and sixty acres of land in Cooper Township, Kalamazoo County, and lived there until his death. In the meantime he saw wonderful…giving way to well cultivated fields rich with grain, and small hamlets growing into thriving villages and populated cities. When he first arrived in Cooper township a large tract of land now included in the heart of the business portion of Kalamazoo was offered to him for a pair of horses, but he refused the offer, the horses being of much more value to him than land. 

And a slightly different version:

He [Elijah Schoolcraft] married Sarah Diamond, whose father, George Diamond, immigrated (sic) from England to Canada, where he bought a large tract of land, which he managed successfully a few years. Coming from there to Kalamazoo County, Michigan, he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of timber land in Cooper Township, and on the farm which he redeemed from the forest he spent the remainder of his life, dying at the age of eighty-nine years.1

Moses, Schofield, and James Schoolcraft were also neighbours of George and his family in Stanbridge, Quebec.

George’s wife Hannah died on October 1, 1861, at Plainwell, Allegan, Michigan. George followed on December 28, 1872. They are buried together at Mountain Home Cemetery, Otsego, Allegan County, Michigan. 

Endnotes (George Diamond)
1 Biographys of Van Buren County, William & George Schoolcraft 002 and 004, respectively.

Henry Dymond (1784-after 1865) (son of John 1755) – Sand Lake / Poestenkill, New York

Henry married Jane (Jennie) Contrite (1790-1875).1 The family appears in the Sand Lake census for 1820, 1830, and 1840.

In 1820 Henry counted six in his household:

  • one male under 10 (1810-1820)
  • one male aged 26 through 44  (1776-1794)
  • three females under 10 (1810-1820)
  • one female aged 26 through 44 (1776-1794).
By 1830 his family had grown to include seven children—one boy and six girls—and his wife was absent from the home. As noted below, through various records all but one of Henry’s children have been identified. They were:

  • 1 male of 10 under 15  (1815-1820)  (John Henry, 1816)
  • 1 male of 40 under 50  (1780-1790)  (Henry 1784)
  • 1 female under 5  (1826-1830)  (Caroline 1829)
  • 2 female of 5 under 10  (1820-1825)  (Katherine 1820; Jane 1822)
  • 1 female of 10 under 15  (1815-1820)  (Statia 1819)
  • 2 female of 15 under 20  (1815-1810)  (Sally Maria 1815; ???)
More particularly:

  • Sally (Sarah) Maria – born around 1815; died Feb 19, 1896 at Poestenkill. Married Joel Hull; he appears in the 1840 census for Sand Lake, but it seems he died before 1850. She then married William Dunham, who appears with her in 1850 census for Poestenkill; however, by 1858 she was living in her uncle William’s house (with father Henry) in Poestenkill. She is identified as Sally Hull by neighbours and in the Troy Daily Times in 1858, when William was murdered. In 1860, as Sally Dunham, she is still living in Poestenkill (no doubt in Uncle William’s house). However, in 1865, she is again identified as Sally Hull, living in Poestenkill, with her children:
  • Albert Hull (c 1846)
  • Hiram Hull (c 1855) – is this child a Dunham?
  • John Hull (c 1849) – identified as John Dunham in the 1850 census
  • Betsy Hull (c 1841)
  • Ensign Hull (c 1845)
  • Joel Hull (c 1840)
  • Jane Hull (c 1839)
At that time she stated she had been married twice, but now was widowed. She seems to have reverted to her first married name.

  • John Henry Diamond – born 1816; died Jan 20, 1893.  Didn’t marry. Lived with his sister Caroline and brother-in-law John Coonradt in Grafton.
  • Statia Diamond – born around 1819. Married John Lockrow (2nd husband, born about 1800) and John Davis (3rd husband, born about 1817). Had a child Alonzo Lockwood, born around 1853.
  • Katherine – born 1820; died Dec 8, 1898, in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Married Amos Wheeler. Lived in Poestenkill in 1850, was in Berlin at the time of the 1860 census. In the 1870 census was shown as living in Williamstown, Berkshire, Massachusetts. Had the following children:
  • Gertrude (c 1838)
  • John (c 1840)
  • Henry (c 1842)
  • Ensign (c 1844)
  • Mary (c 1846)
  • Charlotte (c 1849)
  • Sarah (c 1855)
  • Emma (1857)
  • Caroline (c 1862)
(Katherine’s death certificate identifies her mother as Jennie Contrite.) Her father, Henry, lived with her in Poestenkill at the time of the 1850 census.

  • Jane E. Diamond – born about 1822. Married Peter Ford (b about 1818). Had children:
  • George H. Ford (c 1846)
  • John B. Ford, Jr. 16 (c 1849)
  • Emma F. Ford 12 (c 1853)
  • Elisa M. Ford 9 (c. 1856)
  • Hellen P. Ford 6 (c 1859)
  • Mary E. Ford (1862)
  • Caroline – born Apr 26, 1829; died Dec 27, 1899. Married John C. Coonradt (1824-1903). Lived in Grafton. Their children were:
  • Phoebe A. (c 1854)
  • Chloe J. (c 1856)
  • Paul (c 1861)
  • Alexander (c 1863)
  • John (c 1865)
  • Harriett (c 1867)
Henry's wife Jane was back in the home in the 1840 census, but by 1850 she was gone again—this time, it would seem, for good. She was then living with her daughter Caroline and family, including her son John Henry, as noted above, in Grafton. Her husband Henry was living with their daughter Katherine Wheeler in Poestenkill. Jane continued to live with Caroline up until at least 1870, as per the 1860 and 1870 census returns for Grafton. However, she was living with her daughter Statia Davis in the 1875 census, taken just a few months before her death in September of that year. She is buried in Barberville Cemetery, Poestenkill. On the 1870 census she identified herself as  widowed.

By 1858, Henry was no longer living with Katherine but with his brother William, in William’s house, in Poestenkill. Living with them was Henry’s daughter Sally Maria and her children. In the late evening of August 28, an altercation occurred between Henry and William, both of whom had been drinking heavily, as a result of which Henry stabbed and fatally wounded William. Henry’s next census appearance is in the 1860 census for the prison at Dannemora, Clinton, New York, where he was serving a sentence for manslaughter. He survived Dannemora, and he is then seen living with his daughter Jane Ford and her family in Brunswick, Rensselaer County, in the 1865 census.2 He was 80 at the time and, like Jane, also identified himself as being widowed. He does not appear with them in the 1870 census.

Endnotes (Henry Dimond)
1 This family also has an oral tradition that they descend from Native Americans. (Janice Leonard, referring to the published Hayner family genealogy.) If true, it would have been through the maternal line.
2 Thanks to Janice Leonard for pointing out that Henry survived Dannemora.

“Murder at Poestenkill”: See Links section on this website.

Peter Dymond (1790-1869) (son of John 1755) – Rensselaer County / Genesee County / Erie County, all New York

Peter was born to John and Elisabeth on November 16, 1790. He was married twice, first to Sally (possibly Dunstan) (complete name unconfirmed, though Sally seems likely) and, second, to Lucretia Amidon. Lucretia, the daughter of Philip and Jerusha Amidon, was born on June 28, 1797, in Keene, Cheshire, New Hampshire. She married Peter in 1823. Two of the participants in our study descend from Peter: one through his son John 1820 from his first marriage to Sally; the other through his son Charles 1824 from his second marriage to Lucretia.

We know from various censuses (1820 through to 1860) and documentation relating to the administration of his estate that Peter had the following children:

  • George Diamond (1819) – married Luentia (unknown, born in Connecticut); lived in North Dansville, Livingston, NY. He gave his occupation as grocer in 1850 census, but as farmer in 1880. He also appears in the 1892 census, though his place of birth was erroneously given as Germany. It doesn’t appear that he had any children.
  • John Dymond (1820-1893) – possibly born in Washington County (if this is true, a guess would be in or around Stillwater, which borders Rensselaer and Washington counties and was directly on the route to Canada; Dimonds, including a Charles Dimond and a Peter Dimond, appear in the records for Stillwater Reformed Church between 1773 and 1800). John married, first, Sylvia (son Charles) and, second, Mary E. Maynard (children Frank J. (1853-1936)—married Mary E. Brua; Emma; Evaline; and Alta). Lived in and around the Buffalo area, including Newstead (1865), Akron (1870), East Otto, Cattaraugus County (1880) and Concord, Erie (1892). Was drafted for the Civil War on July 1, 1863, at the age of 42. He gave his occupation as carpenter in the 1870 census; he also gave the value of his real estate as $800, his personal effects as $100. John is the direct ancestor of one of our participants.
  • Chester Dymond (abt 1827-?) – married Emma E. (Unknown) in 1861. He enlisted in the Civil War on June 23, 1863; his place of residence was given as Pembroke, New York. After the war he moved to Sumner, Bremer, Iowa (as per 1870 census). From there he went to Oregon City, Clackamas, Oregon (1880 census), and then to Camas Prairie, Klickitat, Washington (1900 census). In the 1860s gave his occupation as farmer; in 1870 said he was a sewing machine salesman. He had children Bert (b 1864); Gay (b 1872); and Pearl (b 1876).
  • Charles Dymond (1824-1900) – Pembroke, NY. He married Sarah Ann Robinson. Was drafted for the American Civil War in June 1863. Lived in and around Pembroke, New York, his entire life. He and Sarah had children George 1847, Mary 1849, [possibly Harriet 1852], [possibly Frank 1854], William 1856, Chester 1858, Jasper Lincoln 1860, Sherman 1864, and Ella (Flora?) 1868. At least one researcher attributes Eugene, noted below, as Charles’ son. It is quite possible. In the 1850 and 1860 federal censusus, Eugene is living with Peter and Lucretia; however, he is not included among Peter’s children in documents filed relating to the administration of Peter’s estate.
  • Martha Dymond (1830-?) She married a Clark and lived in Oakfield, NY, in September 1869. In 1879 John Dymond refers to her as Martha Guenther, so she must have remarried.
  • Mary Dymond (1830-?) She married Darwin James (1822) and lived in Pembroke, New York. Had children Juvenilia (1856) and Merritt (1864).
  • Eugene – (1845-1921) labourer, born New York, on Aug 11, 1845. His residence on July 1, 1863, was Kane, Illinois (US draft registration record). However, in the 1870 census he was listed as living in Pembroke, where he stayed at least until the 1915 census. In 1920 his place of residence was given as Pavilion, Genesee, New York. He was married to Elizabeth Marble (1850-1929), by whom he had at least one child, Rosetta (born about 1862). See note above under Charles with respect to parentage; it’s interesting that in successive censuses, he noted that his mother was born in New York. If his mother was Lucretia, this is incorrect, for Lucretia was born in New Hampshire. 
In addition, Peter had a daughter born between 1820 and 1825, about whom little is known, other than that she was the mother of three Plumb children mentioned in his will.

At the time of the 1820 census for Sand Lake, Peter was the head of a young household, which consisted of: 

  • two males under 10 (1810-1820) (George 1819, John 1820)
  • one male 26 to 45 (1775-1794) (Peter 1790)
  • one female 16 to 26 (1794-1804)  (Sally?) 
By 1830, he was still living in Sand Lake, but was now married to Lucretia. His family had grown to include:

  • one male under 5 (1826-1830) (Chester 1827)
  • two males of 10 under 15 (1820-1825) (Charles 1824)
  • two males of 10 under 15 (1815-1820) (George 1819 and John 1820)
  • one male of 30 under 40 (1790-1800) (Peter 1790)
  • two females under 5 (1826-1830) (Mary and Martha, both 1830)
  • one female of 5 under 10 (1820-1825) – (Mother of the Plumb children)
  • one female of 30 under 40 (1790-1800) (Lucretia 1798)
The family had migrated to Pembroke, Genesee County by 1840. In the census for that year, Peter’s family numbers eight, with the two eldest sons missing from the count. George (1819) had likely settled by then in Dansville and John (1820) in Newstead. In the 1850 census, only Charles, Mary, and Martha of Peter’s children were living at home, along with Eugene, either his son or grandson, born four years earlier. At that time, Peter gave his occupation as shoemaker and valued his real estate at $1250. By the time of the 1860 census, the only children listed in the household were Chester, Martha, and Eugene.

On April 1, 1869, Peter and his family moved to Newstead, Erie County, where they resided with his son John. Most likely Peter was in failing health. He executed his last will and testament on August 23 and died August 25.

As a postscript to this branch of the family, the following is an online biography of John’s son Frank:

Diamond, Frank J., A. M., Ph. D., was born in Hamburg, Erie county, N.Y., December 6, 1854. His father, John Diamond, was a native of Washington county, N. Y., and traces his descent from John Diamond, who came from England during the Revolutionary war. John Diamond (father of Frank J.) came to Erie county about 1845. Frank J. was educated at Genesee State Normal School, graduating in 1879. His academic degrees were earned with Illinois Wesleyan University. His life work has been that of a teacher, beginning at Akron, Erie county, where he taught one year, one year at Rushford, Allegany county, five years at Stapleton and nine years at Dansville. In 1892 he came to Tonawanda, being appointed superintendent of the system of public schools. In 1880 he married Mary E., daughter of Henry Brua, by whom he has two sons, James and Herbert. Mr. Diamond's work in Tonawanda has been eminently successful and satisfactory to the patrons of the schools. Under his management the schools have been advanced in many ways. He stands high among the educators of the State. (

Last Will and Testament of Peter Dymond (1790-1869): See Links section on this website.

William Dymond (1796-1858) (son of John 1755) – Sand Lake / Poestenkill, New York

This William is believed to have been the William Dymond born April 18, 1796, and baptised in Cobleskill, New York, on Aug 24, 1796, the son of John Dymond and Elizabeth Blass.

He first appears in the 1830 census for Sand Lake, along with a female between 30 to 40 years of age and a female under 10. His next and last appearance is in the 1850 census for Poestenkill.

William was married to Hannah, last name unknown. She appears with William in the 1850 census, but by 1855 she was back at Sand Lake, living with Joseph Hathaway. That arrangement continued until at least the 1860 census. In both 1855 and 1860 she said she was born in Rhode Island, although in the 1850 census she gave New York as her place of birth. She also identified Hathaway in the 1855 census as her brother, a claim which, if William’s brother Henry is to be believed, is somewhat uncertain.

Not much is known about William. In the 1855 census, he is living in Poestenkill with a family of Hulls—David, Judy, and their three children. His status in the household isn’t recorded. Judy (who gave her place of birth as Canada), aged 25, may have been his daughter. In any event, by 1858 he was living in his own place in Poestenkill, with his brother Henry and Henry’s daughter Sally Maria and children. It resulted in a tragic end for William, when he was fatally wounded by Henry on August 29, 1858.

Joshua (1801-?) (son of John 1755) – Sand Lake / Poestenkill

Joshua, son of John and Elisabeth, was born on September 1, 1801, and baptised on April 19, 1802, at Sand Lake.

Not very much is known about him, other than that he acquired from his brother Peter a lease on a parcel of land at Poestenkill, on November 21, 1823, in consideration of $150, with yearly rent of one pound and one half of good merchantable wheat to be delivered at the dwelling house of Joseph Lawson in the town of Sand Lake on the first day of January in each year. The land was adjacent to that surveyed for Reuben Amidon.

It would appear that Joshua didn’t stay in the Poestenkill area since he is not recorded in any of the area’s censuses. Of course it is possible that he died at a young age and this is why there seems to be no trace of him. However, before we close him off completely, it might be worth mentioning that it has been suggested that Joshua was in Oswego in 1820, where he married an Eliza Ives and supposedly raised a family there. If this is so, then he moved back to Sand Lake again (as per 1823 lease), but would have stayed only briefly. There is some evidence that a Joshua Dimond was in Oswego, and the name Ives can be traced from Postenskill to Oswego, but more research needs to be done to verify this possible trail.

John 1808 (son of George 1782, grandson of John 1755) – Stanbridge, Quebec / Stephentown, New York

At around the same time (mid 1830s?) that George and Hannah moved their family into the Michigan area, their son John (1808-1881) settled in Stephentown, close to where his grandfather John had settled more than fifty years before. He had married Avis Simpkins (1804 1861), daughter of Gideon Simpkins and Mary Brown of Berlin,1 whom he had met around 1825 when he was about seventeen years old.2 The children of the marriage were:

  • George – born December 13, 1830, in Canada; married Betsy Pratt, born July 13, 1822, daughter of Tyrus and Patty Pratt. (Betsy’s sister was Electra Pratt Wheeler.) George died February 18, 1865 at Fort Columbus; buried at Garfield Cemetery, Stephentown. Betsy died October 31, 1897 at Stephentown. Their children were:
  • Avis Dymond (b 1852)
  • George Dymond (b 1856; d 1940, Stephentown)
  • Lewis E. (b May 1859; d April 11, 1860, at 11 months 13 days)
  • Samuel Dymond (b 1861; d. 1950, Stephentown)
  • William Dymond (b 1865, d 1950, Stephentown)
  • Elizabeth W. – born 1832 in Canada; married Edmund Beers on June 8, 1857; died September 19, 1882, at Stephentown.
  • Samuel M. – born 1833 in Canada; died July 20, 1853, at Stephentown.
  • Joanna J. – born April 1836, Stephentown; died July 9, Stephentown.
  • John Ives – born abt 1837 in Stephentown; married Angeline E. Sweet; died 1893, Stephentown. Their children were:
  • Samuel (b November 16, 1858; died December 3, 1860, at 2 years, 17 days)
  • Mary (b abt 1862
  • Chaney/Chancey (b abt 1864)
  • Walter (b abt 1874)
  • William S. – born abt 1839 in New York; married Jane Pratt, who was born abt 1838. Their children were:
  • Bertha Dimond (b. 1859, Stephentown)
  • Elizabeth (b December 25, 1860, Stephentown; died June 25, 1884, Stephentown). Married John Houghtaling.
  • William Dimond (b 1863, Stephentown)
  • Carrie Dymond (b 1867, Stephentown; d 1942, Stephentown)
  • Edward Dimond (b 1869, Stephentown)
  • Jennie Dimond (b 1874, Stephentown)
  • Alton Dymond (b 1878; d. 1960, Stephentown)
  • James R. – born abt 1844 in New York
John and Avis’ sons were young men during the Civil War, so it is not surprising to find them in the military records for the period.  George and William served; John Ives3 was called to the draft, but was excused from duty on account of “permanent lameness.”

When war first broke out, the Lincoln government of the day called for 75,000 volunteers to join the union army, “to serve as infantry or riflemen for the period of three months, unless sooner discharged.”  As the war dragged on, it was recognized that the ninety day enlistment periods were not at all adequate and men were then recruited to serve for longer periods of time.  With the exception of commissioned officers, only those under forty five or over eighteen, “in physical strength and vigor,” could be signed up.4

George (1830) first enlisted on July 21, 1863, again on June 18, 1864, and yet again on January 21, 1865. The third time he signed on for three years in “General Service” and was sworn in by Capt. R.G. Welles at New York City. He was married (to Betsey Pratt) and described his occupation as farming. He had grey eyes, dark hair, and a dark complexion and was 5 feet 8 ½ inches tall. Unfortunately, the war didn’t end well for him. He succumbed to pneumonia at General Service Hospital, Fort Columbus, New York, on February 18, 1865, at the age of 34 years, 2 months, and 5 days.  He was buried on February 21, 1865, at Garfield, Rensselaer County. At the time of his death, $300 retained bounty was due to him and he owed $41.67 on account of extra clothing. He left a widow and four young children. 

Two participants of our study trace their ancestry to George and Betsy—one to their son George (1856), the other to their son William (1865).

George’s younger brother, William C. Dymond (1839),5 enlisted at Stephentown on February 23, 1864. He signed on for a period of three years. He was mustered in on April 30, 1864, as a private in Company D, Regiment 169 Infantry. He, too, gave his occupation as farmer. He is described in his records as having brown eyes, dark hair, and a light complexion, and standing 5 feet 9 inches tall. His marital status wasn’t given. William survived the war, but when he was finally “mustered out,” on June 8, 1865, his discharge came while he was in the hospital at Albany. It’s not known whether he was wounded during the war or was hospitalized because of illness. He died in Hampton, Massachusetts, on October 7, 1901.

Endnotes (John Dymond)
1 Gideon Simpkins was of Berlin and was a revolutionary soldier, having served under Colonel Willett at Johnstown in 1781.  He married Mary Brown at Albany in March 1788.  Gideon died at Berlin on September 30, 1842.  His widow died at Stephentown on April 8, 1852.  Some of the children of the marriage (i.e., those living in 1856) were: 

  • Josiah, b Feb 5, 1789;
  • Joanna (Potter—husband William), b Jul 13, 1793;
  • Elizabeth (Safford), b May 6, 1795;
  • Amy (Lillibridge), b May 1, 1797;
  • Cornelius, b Apr 29, 1800;
  • Augustus, b Jun 13, 1808; and
  • Avis, b Aug 26, 1805.
[Revolutionary War Pensions]
2 John testified on November 9, 1855, that he had been “acquainted with all the members of said [Simpkins] family about thirty years.”  [Revolutionary War Pensions]
3 The Mohican story cane comes down from John Ives.
5 The year of birth of the fourth child, William, varies from census to census. It’s possible he was born in 1865 after George’s death.

Naming Patterns

This D*mond family has a strong naming tradition, as evidenced by the repetition of the first names below:

Stanbridge, QC
Michigan, NY

Stephentown, NY

Adam’s Cove, NL

Lower Island Cove, NL

Catalina, NL




































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