St. Patrick's Day Sale!  Family Finder  only $59 + extra savings on  bundles ! Now through March 17!


Yield Not to Adversity (Gaelic: Na gèill do chruaidh-chas)
  • 82 members

About us

Our family name comes from Gille Doc or Servant of Saint Cadoc.  It is likely that should read Servants of St. Cadoc, as he had churches in several locations. There may be multiple ancestors instead of one. For our earliest recorded family click on  DOIGK.

The main genealogical project is at    whereas, the FTDNA project is purely DNA oriented.

The earliest family name recorded was Dog. With the Reformation some of the early family fled to Ireland, there known as Doak or Dock. In Scotland the spelling typically became DOIG, with some Doeg and Doak. We have spread to the world as Dog, DOIG, DOIGe, Doeg, Doegg, DOIGg, Dogg, Doak, and Dock. If you have any of these surnames you are likely a cousin. Are you DOIG enough?


Note: The origin of the family name is from gillie dock, or servant of St. Cadoc.  Because of the pronunciation it appears in the early records as Dog, located in Kilmadock Parish in Perthshire, Scotland: Kilmadock translates as Dog's church.  The name appears to have applied to workers in the church from different family origins, and thus we have unlinked families with the different name variations.  A lack of linking may also be from an illegitimate birth, but with the family tie through the mother.  The Y-DNA test only follows through the male line. There may also be gene mutations where there may be a link, but this test will not discover it.

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