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Counties Donegal, Fermanagh, Leitrim, Sligo, Mayo & Roscommon
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Of genetic genealogy's 3 tools, 810/1197 of our project members have Y-DNA results, 497 have mtDNA results, and 561 have regular autosomal results, which FTDNA calls 'Family Finder'.

24 years of genetic genealogy has revealed this population descends from about 15 prominent Y-DNA lineage groups, each with their own clear common ancestor, who had a unique distinctive heritable DNA mutation. 
It's good to know which of the 15 is your family's strictly paternal son-from-father Y lineage, in which surnames are inherited, to be able to distinguish your family's lineage from another's with identical surname (but unrelated Y lineage). 
These 15 genetic lineages branched off from each other in prehistoric times, while surnames began about 850 AD in Ireland and 1066 in England, so the 15 lineages are valuable for fundamental differentiation of the strictly paternal lineage
and ancient fundamental back-story and sorting, but for traditional genealogy these last several hundred years Y mutations since 500 AD and more distinctively characterized recent groups are whats important for genealogy. 

The first six Y lineages branched off about 2500 BC in northwest England, with 73,819 Y-testers to date, & are thus labeled insular; 'of the island':
1. R-DF21 has 9,575 DNA tested descendants in 7 now-known descendant lineages
2. R-FGC11134 has 5,004 DNA tested descendants in 2 lineages
3. R-FGC5494 has 2,490 DNA tested descendants in 8 lineages 
4. R-L513 has 5,561 DNA tested descendants in 11 lineages
5. R-ZZ10_1 has 16,321 DNA tested descendants in 7 lineages
6. R-Z39589 has 34,868 DNA tested descendants in at least 39 lineages

The next 4 Y lineages branched off earlier, on the mainland. 
7. R-Z46516 has 66,970 DNA tested descendants in at least 4 lineages, & branched off in southwest Germany about 2,850 BC. 
8. R-U106 has 71,009 DNA tested descendants in 2 lineages, & branched off in western Poland by the German border about 3,050 BC.
9. R1a has 56,344 DNA tested descendants in at least 2 lineages, and branched off about 20,000 BC at the west Kazakhstan-Russian border
10. Other R lineages will be addressed individually; scroll down further. 

The last 5 Y lineages are non-R; non-R haplogroups in western Europe are primarily E, G, I & J. 
11. E has 59,054 DNA tested descendants in 2 lineages, & branched off about 60,000 BC.
Y mutation E is considered to have 
branched off in Sudan, East Africa, when an ancestral cytosine C at position 19617112 (reference build GRCh38) was replaced with a derived guanine G, & all descendants inherited it.
12. G has 24,104 DNA tested descendants in 2 lineages, & branched off 46,000 BC at the western Iran-Turkey border
13. I has 119,077 DNA tested descendants in 1 known lineage, & branched off about 40,000 BC in the east Austrian Danube River valley.
14. J has 71,732 DNA tested descendants in 2 lineages, & branched off about 40,000 BC at the north Iraq-Iran-Turkey border
15. Other non-R

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