Dorling DNA Project

Part of the Dorling One-Name Study
  • 62 members

About us

The surnames in this DNA Project are being researched as part of the Dorling One-Name Study. You can learn more about this significant research, and the associated family trees, by visiting the Guild of One name Studies or by contacting the administrator of the project.

Although originally a YDNA project, we now have members with Dorling ancestors who have taken an autosomal DNA test e.g. Family Finder, Ancestry DNA tests, 23andMe DNA tests. This enables Dorling descendants with no male Dorling YDNA available to participate. It might yield some interesting results. If you are the descendant of a Dorling and have already taken the Family Finder test please join the project. If you are thinking of taking the Family Finder or a YDNA test please get in touch with me as project members can get tests at a reduced price from the Guild.

90% of all known 19th century Dorlings originate, or have ancestors who originate, in Suffolk, England. The DNA project has confirmed the YDNA signature of the main branches from whom many present day Dorlings descend.

The Dorling DNA Project started with DNA Heritage and transferred to FTDNA in 2011. New project members are very welcome. Please get in touch if you have any queries.


· To discover the genetic sequence that identifies the main branches of the Dorling surname.

· To help confirm the findings of genealogical research into the Dorling surname and family trees.

· To discover if the main branches are related to each other via a common ancestor.

· To help find how individuals and other smaller branches of Dorlings fit into the overall Dorling history, either as distinct branches or as part of other Dorling branches.

· To use autosomal testing, where appropriate, to help confirm genealogical research or to provide clues when genealogical research evidence is unavailable.

- To contribute towards developing the science of DNA and our knowledge of human history by contributing DNA samples.

· To provide the potential means of identifying the male ancestry of a branch originating from a female Dorling. (East Anglia Geographical Project may help).

· To investigate the deeper ancestral roots of the Dorling surname and families.