Dunn Y-DNA Project

Identifying Dunn family lines via Y-DNA tests on men born with this surname.
  • 349 members

About us

JOIN REQUEST REQUIREMENT ~ You MUST have or will immediately purchase a Y-DNA 37, 67 or 111 test for a male DUNN in order to join this project. In your JOIN REQUEST for the "Tell us what you know..." section - please tell us what test you have ordered or plan to order. Also, you MUST provide the full name of your earliest DOCUMENTED male Dunn ancestor and his date and place of birth/death and the name of his wife. Provide the same information for each male generation down to your Dunn great-grandparent. Do not send a link to a website or online genealogy. If you are a male, who was NOT born with the Dunn surname, and have very close YDNA STR matches at 36, 67, 111 markers to Dunn males in this project, you MUST have a positive SNP test confirming the relationship to that Dunn family line, prior to being accepted into this project. Many of the Dunn subgroups have ordered BIGY tests to establish their advanced SNP branch. Please contact Connie McKenzie for SNP testing advice. AUTOSOMAL DNA TESTS ~ We do not accept testees with only an autosomal DNA test known as Family Finder at FTDNA, or the Ancestry or 23&Me data transfer. MITOCHONDRIAL DNA TEST ~ We do not accept testees with only a mitochondrial DNA test. By requesting to join this project you agree to provide the project administrators with documentary proof of your direct Dunn lineage to your great-grandfather. Y-DNA STR and SNP results and some of your earliest direct line ancestor information will be posted on member pages. *