E1b1a - V38

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SNP Z5994 is now available for testing. If you are M2+ but M180-, this is a SNP you should consider testing for.

SNP markers Z1772 and Z1775 are now available
for testing. If you are P277+, P278.1+, or U209+ but U290-, please test for these markers. Z1772 was
found in a Kenyan
Z1775 was observed both in a Nigerian and Kenyan population.


SNP Z1721 is also availble for order. This SNP was found downstream from E-P277.  Ancestral and derived versions of this marker (C->G) were found in 1 Puerto Rican, 1 Nigerian & 3 Kenyan P277+/U290-. If you are P277+, P278.1+, or U209+ but U290-,  please test for the Z1721 marker.


SNP Z1704 is now available for order. E-Z1704 marker was found downstream from E-P252. Ancestral and derived versions of this marker (C->T) were found in one Yoruba Nigerian, three Kenyan Luhyas and one Puerto Rican. If you are positive for P252/U174+, please test for Z1704 marker.


SNP Z1725 is now also availble for order. This SNP was found downstream from E-U290.  9 Ancestral and 6 derived versions of this marker (A->G) was found in Nigerian & Kenyan men who were U290+ and U181-. If you are U290+ and U181-,  please test for Z1725 marker.

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